Chapter 31: Turkey Day

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"I just want him to come back already." I pout, stirring a finger in my now cold hot chocolate as Riley, Chloe and I walk down the Santa Cruz boardwalk. The sun begins to set behind the sea in a splash of red and pink. It reminds me faintly of Cooper and my first date just two months ago, precisely two days time after our first kiss.

He took me down to the arcade and after winning just about every game to be played, he got us a couple hot dogs and we walked along the pier until the sun had fallen and the moon rose.

Now I'm left with the memories of us on loop while he's away in Georgia for thanksgiving break, visiting with his grandparents. Turkey day is tomorrow, at least that's what Millie calls it, and even if Cooper can't join me. Blake can.

After he sold grandma's house just last week, unable to support himself any longer. He's been staying with his girlfriend Amber. But of course after hardly any persuasion he agreed to join me for thanksgiving. He's only been over a couple other times, not that he doesn't like Lora and James but I think he just feels a little guilty that he shipped me over to them without so much as a warning.

Sure at the time I was mad, furious even. The only family I had left. . .pretty much gave me up and I didn't even have a choice. Where was I to live? But now, even with Riley and Cooper offering a place to stay, I choose not to. I'm growing to like this family quite well. They're not my family, but they're the closest I've had in a while.

"I know, the tragedy. You're hot little boy toy is gone for all of thirty-six hours and suddenly it's the end of the world." Riley wraps an arm around me from behind and gasps into my ear.

"Get off, you freak." I snicker, shoving her away. She goes stumbling into Chloe who's currently shivering her ass off without a sweater.

"Told you to bring a jacket, Clo." Riley throws an arm around our blonde friend and she gratefully snuggles into Riley's Tommy Hilfiger windbreaker.

"My w-weather app said it was going t-to be 70° not 50° it's not my-" Chloe quivers.

"Ah, it is your fault. Your weather app is jacked up and you know it." I point an accusing finger at her and take another sip of the hot/cold chocolate.

Riley cackles. "Right? In the hottest summer of our lives last year her stupid app said it was 35° in June!"

I nod. "My ice cream literally melted in my hand."

"Stop being mean, I'm freezing over here!"Chloe whines as we now shuffle towards the railing, looking out at the sea covered in colors. I haven't felt this at peace in so long it's weird.

"Okay, here." I hand Chloe my cup. "It's not hot but it's sort of warm I guess."

"It'll do." She takes it without hesitation and nearly gulps the entire thing down

"Look!" Riley gasps and the three of us are all staring up at the single red balloon floating off into the sky.

"Make a wish." Riley shuts her eyes tight, then Chloe, then me. This is a routine that Riley hasn't passed up since we were younger. She says that if you see a balloon, wish upon it and maybe just maybe when it floats higher and higher. It might reach our families that have gone and passed on.

It's silly but it makes us feel better at times. Especially when we're missing someone dearly. Imagining that they got our message, our wish.

If only.

Once the sun has fallen completely and the moon is casting its beams of light on us all, Riley drives Chloe and I home. With a quick goodbye hug I rush towards the front door, shivering the entire way.

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