Chapter 20: More Than Friends

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It is not until I actually make it to fourth period that I see Cooper again. At this point I'm not quite sure what I feel when I look at him sitting at our usual table, disgust or amity.

I've heard rumors that the lesson in class today is to cooperate after school with your partner. Like, to get along better with our partners. Mrs.Lenard threw the new assignment at us at the last second and now I'm concerned I'll have to spend more time with Cooper than I already do.

As soon as I take a seat at my seat I immediately feel the grey eyed boy gazing deep into my soul, trying to unwind the bindings that hold me together. But neither of us speak.

"Alright class. I know this next assignment may not be to your liking but I expect you and your partner to spend at least an hour and a half together after school getting to know each other better-" the class groans in protest meanwhile Cooper and I simply stare back at one another. I'm refocusing back on Mrs.Lenard before it gets too awkward. "I want this assignment finished tomorrow. If there's a problem then let me know and I'll assign another day."

"This is a load of malarkey!" A student calls out from behind me, the class erupts with laughter.

Mrs.Lenard shrugs. "Possibly so, mister Donovan. If you'd like, you could skip out on the assignment and fail my class. It's up to you." Walking down the aisles she begins to pass a sheet of paper out to each set of partners. "This paper needs to be signed by both partners, agreeing that they've spent the assigned time together."

"Why is this necessary, Mrs.L?" A brown haired girl at the table across from me asks and Mrs.Lenard smiles ever so brightly before saying. "I'm glad you asked, Nina. See, I want all of my students to walk out of this class as friends by the end of the year."

I never signed up for this. I only wanted a fun and easy class, not a lesson on friendship.

As I'm reaching out for the sheet of paper Mrs.Lenard passes around, she leans closer, looking between Cooper and I she says. "Maybe even more than friends."

Possibly it's my lack of sleep but my patience is wearing thin and I'm not about to sit here and listen to this bullshit any longer. Especially if it involves Cooper Rhodes. I'm the only one who should decide how I feel, not my teacher and not my friends.

I scoff, throwing my backpack over my shoulder I get to my feet. "Everyone needs to stop assuming Cooper and I are destined to be together! It's bullshit." No one stops me from leaving as I storm out of the classroom.

I don't understand. Why torture me? There are millions of girls out there that are far more gorgeous than I am; that are far less broken and complicated. I'm a goddamn mess and I know for a fact that Cooper is well aware of that.

"Kyla, stop." Of course it's Cooper coming after me as he has been this entire weekend just like every girl wants. A man to run after her. Well I'm sick of it.

Turning around I nearly collide with his chest as halts just before me.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" I ask.
"Doing what?" He shakes his head.
"Coming after me, looking at me all the time like I'm some broken puzzle you can't solve-what happened? What changed in the matter of days?"
"I. . ." He scoffs. "I don't know."

He does. I know he does. "Fine if you won't tell me, leave me the hell alone." Before I can get more than two feet from him, he speaks.

"Blake told me why you're taking those sleeping pills."

Shit. Shit shit shit!

I don't swivel around to face Cooper, I don't have to. I can feel his anger digging into my back.

When I don't answer, Cooper speaks again. This time it's closer, nearly a hair away. "What did Dawson do to you?"

"Cooper I-" I shake my head and in the next second my forearms are in his hands and he's turning me towards him. A dark shade of grey consumes his eyes.

"Tell me." He demands.

When I refuse to answer once again, he's shoving me against the wall. His breath is against my cheek, hot and angry.

"Tell me, dammit." He slams a hand down on the wall just above my head and I flinch. "Okay! Don't hit me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and shut my eyes tight, waiting for the blow but it never comes.

Instead, Cooper's hands slide down until their grazing my hips.

"Open your eyes." He sighs and at his demand I find myself obeying immediately and I'm faced with a wave of emotions I hadn't yet known Cooper was capable of. "I'm not going to hurt you. Understand me?"

I nod.

"Did he hurt you?" That much is evident in my actions and Cooper must know the answer already but for some reason he chose to ask.

I nod once again.

"I need words, Kyla."

"Please. . ." I beg. His hands draw closer to my hips and I begin to feel the warmth he carries around with him.

"All those bruises you forgot to cover. Those hand prints," Cooper talks more to himself than I. "Dammit. I'm so sorry, Kyla. I'm so fucking sorry."

The bell rings all of a sudden and slowly Cooper releases himself from in front of me. With one last glance he stalks off, leaving me breathless.

Before heading to the lunchroom I take a short detour to the restrooms in the hall. Splashing water in my face in order to cool myself down a bit. It doesn't help much but the text I receive from Riley asking where I am tells me I've been in here longer than need be and I exit with one last glance.

My hand hovers over the lunchroom door handle and I force myself to enter once a short red headed boy walks out. I'm all of ten steps inside when suddenly-


I'm stopping short. Afraid of who the uncanny voice to my left might belong to. Sure enough when I turn to my side, Dawson is glaring into my soul. Cooper must've told him what I said.

Right as Dawson's about ready to pounce on me it seems, a hand clamps around his wrist and my eyes trail up the veined arm to the gorgeous face attached to it.


"Let go of me, Cooper." Dawson grits.

"Sit the fuck back down." He seethes.

I'm thankful that when I look around there's hardly any attention drawn to the argument.

"And what if I don't?" Dawson challenges.
"I suggest you not test the things I will do to you." Cooper's grip tightens around his wrist.

Dawson, unlike him at all, actually surrenders. Ripping himself free of Cooper's grip.

"Kyla. Are you okay?" Bryce wraps an arm around me from behind and I nod against him.

Before I'm led away I get one last good look at Cooper's table. The only one still watching me is him with his looming grey eyes. Everyone else has gone back to their daily routines meanwhile Cooper briefly looks from me, down to the arm around my waist.

The clenching of his jaw is the last thing I see before turning around and walking away.

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