Chapter 17: Irresistible?

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"See, what did I tell you?" Riley parks her car in the driveway of her house after a long and loud drive back from the disastrous party. She and Chloe spent most of the drive asking if I was okay, the rest of it was filled with talk on Cooper and how he "rescued me" apparently. "You and Cooper. . .you're gonna fall in love." Chloe sings.

"Can we get off this topic please? I just need to rinse Dawson's slimy bacteria off of me." I gag, hopping out of the vehicle alongside Chloe and Riley as they continue to laugh.

It's hard not to think back to the way Cooper suddenly turned on his friend. Why does he care all of a sudden? I'm not even sure I can call him an enemy after tonight's party. A part of me is relieved but in a way I'm kind of pissed. I'm supposed to hate him until death do us part. Why'd he do this? Why'd he get involved? Why'd he make me care?

I was only able to thank him once quickly before leaving the party, seeing as he was preoccupied by restraining his friend. Though I remember something else rather specifically. It's something I don't think I'll ever forget, it was the look in his eyes before I bolted out of the house. It was almost a look of concern? The streets were dark and the shadows covered him so I couldn't be sure but I'd like to think that maybe he's starting to care too.

"You three are back early. How was the party?" Riley's mother pauses the show she's watching once we come through the door. It's dim inside and there's a faint smell of apples and cinnamon in the air. Her husband is at her side sleeping peacefully beneath a mountain of blankets, his chest rising and falling.

"It's almost twelve. I'd hardly say it's early." Riley laughs, kicking off her shoes by the doormat "but it wasn't bad. We just talked, danced a little." She purposely avoids listing details. Riley's mother is pretty clueless when it comes to teenagers which is usually why we tend to stay over at her place when going out.

We say goodnight and head up to Riley's bedroom, no more questions asked. None of us say much as we get ready for bed. Once I've finished rinsing off and brushing my teeth I fall back onto Riley's bed, it's just as comfortable as it looks.

"What do you say we watch some movies and forget about boys for a while?" Chloe suggests, stripping off her short skirt and tube top to change into a fresh pair of pajamas.

"I'd say start the marathon." I find myself smiling up until we all pass out half way through the first movie.

Slowly as I wake in the morning the sensation of Riley's warm bedroom and the feel of the plush pillow beneath me welcomes this new day in the most wonderful of ways. Soon the rhythmic buzzing of my phone beside me intrudes and my eyes flicker open to the ceiling, I watch as dust particles dance around in the beams of sunlight.

What time is it? I think, just as the sound of chirping birds and a distant lawn mower fill the room from outside. I drag a hand down my face and towards my phone to find a text from Bryce:

"I heard what happened with Dawson last night. I'll jump him. I fucking swear"

I go to message him back but find no words to reply with so instead I throw my phone back onto the carpet and call it good. With nothing else to do at the moment I shut my eyes and force myself back to sleep. It doesn't last much longer before what sounds like my name is being called from outside the window. It's faint, hardly audible at all but I have the urge to check it out.

I shuffle across the room on my knees and once I'm at the window I peel back the curtains to come face to face with the blinding sunlight. It takes me only seconds to adjust but when I finally do I scan the front lawn and land upon the front porch where—

"Cooper?" I rub my eyes. It has to be my mind playing tricks on me right? He can't be standing here on Riley's doorstep right? Yet every time my eyelids open and close there he is looking oddly captivating in the warm fall sun.

I slowly tiptoe my way downstairs one step at a time until the door handle is in my grasp. The first thing I see once the door is open is his lazy grin and welcoming eyes."Cooper, what are you doing here? How'd you even know where to find me?"

"I asked your friend Bryce." He shrugs casually. "He said that you were at Riley's place. I took a wild guess and hoped it was the house I delivered pizza to."

"Huh." I scratch the back of my neck, still trying to process Cooper willingly acknowledging me out of school hours, it's not something I or anyone else can possibly comprehend. He shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his dark grey sweatpants. A perfectly fitting t-shirt covers the upper half of his body. Soon I find that his eyes too are scoping me out, he then ruins it by speaking. "You look exhausted." He laughs at me. It's gentle but still hurtful.

"Wow, you really know how to make a girl feel special." I roll my eyes, combing down my hair and throwing my arms over my chest. My sheer tank top is no friend of direct sunlight when going braless. There's no doubt Cooper just caught a surprise peep show. "I try my best." He grins, his eyes lower onto my chest and dance their way down to my legs and back up again. It's brief but it definitely affects me. More than I'd like to admit.

"Stop looking at me like that." I grumble, shifting my feet on the cold pavement. I notice now that my socks don't match. "Like what?" His lip twitches slightly upwards. I can tell he's amused at my nervousness which naturally angers me. "Like that! Whatever you're doing just stop it." I point an accusing finger at his face. He chuckles, stepping forward and I find myself immediately stepping back to which his grin widens. "Thanks again for the other night." I clear the awkward silence. He nods, not saying a word but once again he steps towards me. It's freaking me out. .how hot it is. He knows exactly what he's doing too. Bastard.

"Cooper." I clench my teeth, on the verge of laughing and screaming.
"What?" He presses his lips together, still enjoying this greatly.
"Seriously. It's too early for these mind games you seem to enjoy playing. I get it. You're irresistible to the female gender. Fuck you."
"Did you?" Cooper smirks, it stretches from ear to ear and I know I'm screwed. He wags a finger at my face, reminding me of why I despise him so much. "Did you just call me irresistible, Daniel's?"

"No. No, I simply pointed out what I've seen from other girls." I frantically shake my head. My face is beginning to burn, heat rising from beneath the surface. Holy shit I'm blushing. This boy is actually making me blush. He steps forward and softly says,
"Only you, Kyla, would lie right to my face."

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