Chapter 32: Missing Him

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"Here you are." Riley leans over in the passenger seat that I so stubbornly stole from Bryce on the way back from the mall this Sunday afternoon and she hugs me tightly.

My poor friends must be so tired of me complaining of how much I miss Cooper. He's been gone a week now. A week! I called him yesterday and he said he'd be back sometime during the school week but that's not soon enough. I'm really beginning to miss him. His warmth, his arms, his smile, his lips.

"Bye guys." I say my goodbyes and head up to my front door only to stop in my tracks at the sound of a car door opening then closing. I turn around to see Bryce starting towards me and Riley driving off.

"Since when did you live here?" I chuckle and he's stopping in front of me, hands shoved deep in his coat pockets. "I thought we should hangout." He shrugs.

"Just you and me?" Knitting my brows I'm slightly relieved when he shakes his head, scoffing.

"Yeah right. We can't do that anymore. If Cooper found out, I'd be dead in a ditch." He shakes his head, sauntering the rest of the way to my door. "I called Chloe. She's on her way over. I thought it was time we actually hang out again."

I follow him in the front door and right as we enter I find Lora rushing our way. A look of surprise on her gentle features. "Kyla-oh? Well hello there." She smiles warmly at Bryce.

"Lora this is Bryce." I wave my hand in front of him. Not that I asked Bryce to come over and hang out but I suppose he's right, I haven't chilled with him in a while. I guess this could be a good thing.

"It's nice to meet you Bryce." She takes his hand.
"You as well, Mrs-" Bryce begins.
"Call me Lora." She chuckles.

"Am I expecting any other visitors?" Lora asks, rifling through her purse for a stick of lipgloss. She applies it lightly while listening to my answer.

"Chloe's coming over." I answer.

"Where is Millie's blanket? She won't settle down without it." James rushes down the stairs just then, grunting through each word. As soon as he's downstairs, his eyes travel from Bryce to me to Lora.

His wife huffs. "I don't know honey. Have you checked in the dryer yet?"

"I can help." Bryce offers and they turn to him, puzzled.

"Really? You don't have to." Lora shakes her head.

"No, it's fine. When Chloe gets here, she can help us as well. It'll give us something to do." He shrugs and the parents nod in appreciation.

"Thank you, Bryce. That is very kind." Lora pats his back and walks out of the door. "I'm off to do some grocery shopping, anyone need anything specific?"

"Nope." I answer and the rest shake their heads, leading her to turn around and walk away. She makes it all of three steps before gasping. "Oh! You must be Chloe?" Lora beams.

From in front of the woman Chloe says, "Yes woman. I mean mom. I mean ma'am. I mean Lora?" Chloe rushes out and Lora laughs.

"Have a good time you guys, I will be back shortly. Don't get them too riled up James." Lora closes the door behind her and we're left to our mission.

"So what's going on?" Chloe questions.

"We're searching for Millie's blanket." I glare at Bryce who simply smiles back.

"It is quite the task, so whoever finds it first will. . .get twenty dollars. Go!" James darts off upstairs and I trail behind him quickly.

I can feel Chloe right behind me, chasing me and before I know it she's yanking me back down the stairs.

"Chloe." I groan, collapsing on the floor defeatedly.

"I need that money. You loser." She runs up the stairs and into unknown rooms.

"If James has been checking upstairs this whole time than it must be downstairs don't you think?" Bryce raises an eyebrow from above me and I nod in agreement.

Helping me to my feet, Bryce and I team up in search for the blanket.

We're checking under the couch, in the pantry, behind the t.v, you name it. Finally after ten minutes I give in. This is not worth twenty bucks. Not to me.

Just then-

"Over here." Bryce calls out to me. Hastily I'm scurrying towards him behind the couch where the blanket has been located. It is wadded up in a straw basket underneath the pounds of books that Millie plays with throughout the day.

"Good one, Sherlock Holmes." I nudge Bryce's shoulder and momentarily he tenses but just as quickly he relaxes again.

"Guys. I think it's gone." James descends the stairs behind Chloe. His breathing is heavy and his lips are turned down into a frown.

The two appear to be exhausted, drained of energy. So when they spot the blanket in my hands they gasp.

"Where did you find it?" James asks.

"Oh, no. I didn't find it. Bryce did." I gesture to Bryce's presence behind me before handing the blanket over to James.

He thanks Bryce up and down to then hand him over a crisp twenty before racing upstairs and calming down a riled up little girl.

"Here, take ten." Bryce hands me half but I decline, putting my hands behind my back.

"Ah. That's all yours, buddy. You won that fair and square. Besides you paid for my smoothie earlier, I don't need your money." I admit, turning around and starting into the kitchen.

"Anyone want some popcorn? I'm kinda hungry." I ask and get two positive answers back in response. So with that, I place the bag of popcorn into the microwave and watch the kernels pop into action, creating the perfect buttery popcorn.

Once the bag is done I take my two friends, including the popcorn, up to my room and we fall onto my bed.

Meanwhile eating the bag of popcorn, shoving our hands in on top of each other. The three of us start talking about all things life until Chloe ruins the blithe vibe with her lack of a filter.

"So, Chris and I did the deed the other night in the laundry room." Chloe admits, causing Bryce and I to cringe

"Ew. Chloe what the fuck? Thanks." Bryce scrunches up his face.

"You're weird." I cackle.

"I know." She giggles.

Oh Chloe. Save her soul.

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