Chapter 5: Game On

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    After around ten minutes we arrive at the curb a couple houses away from the party itself. Due to many other vehicles parked along the streets, it's hard to get an up and front spot.

Continuing down the paved sidewalk and passing dimly lit houses with white picket fences and welcome mats, we arrive in front of the decently large home filled with music and voices. 

Riley, Chloe and I have no trouble squeezing our way in. Greeting familiar faces and disregarding hungry eyes, it's all just an uncanny loop. I've been here before, I've done this before. Somehow it's becoming less enjoyable each time.

My eyes roam the crowds to the back of the house where the dining room is. Bryce stands in the archway of the room over, gazing from one girl to the next as they pass him by. Their hips sway in harmony to the beat of the bass.

Bryce seems uninterested almost. So, I do him a solid and start towards him, leaving my friends behind to chat with fellow classmates.

My feet take me one step at a time over to Bryce and at my own gaining figure his eyes flicker to mine and an elated smile crosses his lips. "There you are. I was beginning to wonder if you would show at all." He smiles.

     "I may not have been too keen on coming to this party but I always keep my promises and I said I would come." I gesture to my surroundings, leaning back on the heel of my feet and attempting to ignore the scent of booze and sour milk.

"So what, no dress? No sparkly heels?" He snickers.

     "Trying to keep a low profile," I shrug, raking my eyes through the sea of people I ask. "Cooper is here somewhere and bumping into him would be disastrous. Have you seen him yet?"

"Sadly I have. He and his goons just headed out back to do God knows what with who knows what." My brown eyed friend gestures to the sliding glass door at the opposite end of the room.

"So how about we avoid that area?" I hold two thumbs up and Bryce nods frantically to say. "That would be a wise idea."

"A drink then?" I nod to wherever the hell Rebecca set the table of alcohol this time. Each party she throws she always manages to hide the booze better and better.

"Yes, please!" He exclaims theatrically and throws an arm over my shoulder as we make our way through.

     Once we've reached our destination, the dining room. A solitary table is leant against the wall and Bryce is quick to take out two plastic cups from the stack. Pouring the one of two options remaining, into his cup. Vodka and whiskey. "Pick your poison." Bryce suggests.

     "Mix em up." I gesture and he's nodding, adding half vodka and half whiskey, he then hands it back over to me. "Think this will help me forget this night?" I hold up the cup, cringing at the way it burns when sliding down my throat.

"I don't think you should be getting that drunk." He admits.
"And why not?" I ask.

"Is it not obvious? This is a party full of horny teenage guys. I should remind you that Cooper is among them. A pretty drunk girl," Bryce sucks in a breath, "not a good combination." He clinks his full cup against mine and we continue to drink at a reasonable pace.

"Oh Bryce you always were very cautious." I grin. "I'm going to the food." I pat his shoulder then leave him behind. After several minutes I uncover the table of snacks and treats further in the back.

My stomach grumbles at the sight and I slowly pick at the chips, dipping them into the guacamole. I could stay back here for the rest of the party and be completely fine. I thought I could at least, that was until the sound of someone cheering followed by laughter heads my way and my body tenses.

    My hand that hovers over the plastic bowl drops as the familiar scent of death hits me. A presence meets my side. "Kyla!" I look up to Cooper's eyes as they scan over me shamelessly, "well don't you look incredibly handsome tonight."

I smile back at the man whose intent is to make me question my entire existence. "Well, thank you Cooper." Raising my cup of alcohol. I clear my throat, gesturing to his dark-washed jeans and grey crew neck. "I wish I could say the same to you yet. . .somehow I find you even more repulsive than I usually do."

"Cute. If only you actually believed it."

"Trust me. I do. Raging assholes aren't exactly my type. And you sir," I jab a finger to his chest. "Are a raging asshole."

"That wounded me Kyla." Cooper gasps. A hand clutching his heart.

"You know. I really don't like you." I scoff my tone quickly becoming hostile.

"The feeling is mutual slut." He spits.

I must be so enraged that I "accidentally" let my hand slip and make contact with his jaw. Reeling my fist back, I act as if that blow didn't just break my wrist.

As his head slowly turns back towards me, there is no emotion or giveaway in those grey eyes. They remain impassive, luminous as they always are. Dangerous even.

Licking his lips, he scoffs. Leaning down just to meet my eyes he seethes, "You'll regret that Kyla. Trust me."

"Woah. Woah." Bryce calls out, putting himself between Cooper and I until we have the proper amount of space between us.

Cooper, shoving Bryce aside, leans in once more until his breath is fanning against my cheek and he says:

"Game on."

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