Chapter 23: Periwinkle

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"Periwinkle." I smile.
"Perry what? Isn't he that blue platypus-"Cooper questions.
"No dip-shit, it's a color, a shade of blue."
"Well I'm sorry princess, I will make sure to never say anything else that may trigger your fucking ninja turtle side." He throws his hands in front of him.

Throwing my head back, I can't help but to chuckle. "So why do you like this Perry-tinkle color?" Cooper leans back on his hands, observing me beneath his thick lashes.

"It's periwinkle," I roll my eyes, "and I guess it just reminds me of my mom in a way." A smile makes its way onto my lips when thinking back to the memories of my mother.

Not breaking eye contact once, Cooper says, "Tell me about her."

"Well I can tell you that she never failed to make me smile. Even when I thought I would never smile again. Oh and her shoes always reflected on her current mood." I chuckle, my mind completely dissolving into thoughts of her.

"If she was upset she'd put on her blue beat up sneakers. Happy, she'd wear her yellow heels. Her favorite though was the pair of periwinkle flats." I can picture her wearing them as I speak. "Those shoes were her everything."

"-God what I wouldn't give to see her dancing around the kitchen in those silly flats just one more time." I sniffle, thankful that when I wipe my eyes the tears haven't yet fallen. I've already cried in front of Cooper once, now he's showed me his ill younger brother. We're even now, there's no need for me to bring in more vulnerability to the table.

Leaning forward, with just a sprinkle of sympathy in the grey (almost blue now) of his eyes. He asks, "Where is she now?"

"With my dad," I look out of the window, watching the clouds part ways from the sun. The room is filled with light and it warms my skin. "In a better place now." I hope she's among sunny skies and cherry blossom trees, she always did adore them.

"Kyla I'm. . ."

I look up to him shaking his head and before he can say anything I hold up a hand. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything."

Bobbing his head up and down he answers, "How about we call this done for now." Clearing his throat he gets up, lending me his hands to take as I merely look at them, then his eyes. He grins. "They're just hands, not me trying to touch your boob Kyla. Get up."

"Fine." I huff. Taking his hand I ignore the jolt of electricity working its way through me. His chest brushing against mine once I'm on my feet does nothing to quell the feeling inside of me but I'm too afraid to let go. My hands are still in his for another couple seconds as he and I stare at each other. Then just like that he's releasing me and stepping away.

Watching as he retreats into his closet, I'm worried I may never solve the puzzle that is Cooper Rhodes and I suppose that's not a mystery I'm bound to take apart but I hope maybe one day. One day he might just show me himself.

When Cooper departs from the closet with a large box splattered with colors and words I know all too well, I shake my head. "No. No, Cooper. Tell me that is not The Game Of Life."

"This game is both informational and exciting. Do not hate Kyla Daniels."

"I'm sorry, it's just." I gesture to him now setting up the game on the floor and I snicker. "It's The Game Of Life."

"You laugh now, Daniels. But I've been known to smash at this game. And trust me." Turning towards me, Cooper shamelessly looks me up and down with a glint of something I can't quite read in his eyes, "I'll smash you."

Choking, I lower myself to where he sits. "Why do I feel like that had an alternate meaning behind it?"

Drawing his bottom lip between his teeth he then smiles. "Because it did."

For at least twenty minutes now Cooper and I have been completely zoned in on the board game and I'll admit it. He's beating me.

"Come on that is so unfair! I don't even make enough money to pay for these stupid things for my needy children! Why can't my husband help me?" I whine.

"Maybe it's because your husband is a shady bastard." Cooper spins the wheel.

"Maybe he's secretly having an affair with your wife?" I suggest.

"She's a terrible wife anyways. I can see the judgment in her eyes. She wanted the mansion, not the trailer." Looking down at the almost undetectable pink female in the toy car, he shakes his head. "Ungrateful bitch."

I can't help it, I laugh. After a long moment so does Cooper. Finally we're falling on our backs against the carpet, so caught up in cackling and joking around that I hadn't noticed he's inches away from me.

"Can you believe that not even a week ago. We hated each other? How did we end up here?" Cooper turns his head to look me in my eyes. I shrug, the soft carpet rubs against my face. "I've been asking myself the same question."

Looking at him looking at me has become the usual with us. But that's usually where it ended. Just looking. Now somehow in the silence of his bedroom as the sunlight dims and brightens and it's only us, Cooper's hand inches closer to mine. I don't move it, I honestly don't want to.

My heart certainly doesn't want to. God, it's beating so fast right now I'm afraid it'll run away.

With Cooper and I now staring at the ceiling, I don't have to watch his fingers reach out for mine. I feel the heat even before the sensation of his smooth palm slides over mine and the next instant his fingers curl around my hand. I'm not quite sure what else to do, so I return the gesture and curl my fingers around his as well.

Peering over at him I see that he's already looking at me. The conflict is clear in the way his eyes run over my face then altogether they flicker to my lips. They remain there for a solid five seconds before he begins to lean in.

Is he going to kiss me? He's going to kiss me! I think to myself as I start leaning in as well, so caught up in the moment I don't think that maybe kissing my frenemy will leave me with some difficult emotions to deal with later on.

Somehow though, I don't care all that much especially when his breath is hot against my lips. Those thoughts are entangled now with the feeling of his hand brushing against my hip and I shiver. His fingers grip the hem of my top and slide around to my lower back in order to pull me in.

And closer.

My phone begins to ring.

"Shit." I jump to my feet. Leaving Cooper to verbally prove his aggravation with a loud sigh.

Reaching for my phone, I answer it with heavy breaths and a shaky voice. "Y-Yes?"

"I was just calling to make sure you were alright. It's been like. . ." My brothers voice fades out then in again. "An hour or so."

"I'm-yeah. I'm good."

"Are you though? You sound a little out of breath." Blake asks, suspiciously.

"No-yeah. I'm fine. Promise." I wipe a hand across my face.

"Okay well, do you need me to pick you up?"

I look to Cooper who's just now finished putting the game pieces away. He instantly finds my eyes. "Can you take me home?" I ask, pulling away from the phone.

He answers with a curt nod.

"Cooper can bring me home-okay, Yup. See you soon." I shut off the phone, shoving it back into my backpack and throwing the bag over my shoulder.

"Was that your brother?" Cooper asks.

"Yeah, he wants me home I think."

"Alright." Cooper grabs his car keys on the desk, "let's get you home then." He says and the entire way to the car. . .

All I can think is,
I almost kissed Cooper.

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