Chapter 34: She Broke Him

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The pizza was absolutely incredible. I ate almost five slices by the time James got to three. So now, naturally I'm full and ready for some shut eye as we head on back home. I just said home. . .

10:34pm Reads the time on my phone screen.

Five hours in a restaurant with great people and even better food, it's set me up for sweet dreams ahead. I think Millie is well on her way there as we speak. She's conked out in her booster seat when we pull up to the driveway.

"You got Millie?" Lora yawns and James nods, kissing his wife's cheek he ushers her and I out of the car. I willingly follow close behind the sleepy woman, aware of just how frigid the night is. Especially when I'm emerged with the breath of hot air from the heater as we step inside the house.

Flicking on the foyer light, Lora turns to me and smiles. "Go and get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

Usually I'd nod and go my way but this night I've got the urge to hug the woman giving me a roof over my head and a smile on my face. So I do, I wrap my arms around her skin waist and I revel in the warmth as she hugs me back. "Thank you." I say as I depart, walking up the stairs to find the door to my room.

Slipping on a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve button down shirt, I climb into bed. Ready to get up in the morning and go.

As I expected when I shut my eyes, sweet dreams are close to follow. Not a nightmare in sight.

I realize I've never needed the sleeping pills or the late night cup of tea Grandma would buy from the local market. I just needed happiness and I think. . .I think I'm beginning to find it here.

Waking up in the morning is gentle and warm. With the scent of freshly brewed coffee and linen sheets, I sit up in bed and stretch my arms. I'm prepared to take my time freshening up but one look at the big red letters on my alarm clock tells me that I've got twenty minutes until school starts.

A text pops up on my phone from Riley and tells me that she'll be arriving in a couple minutes. So with that I quickly slip on some shoes, fix my hair and sling my backpack over my shoulder. Departing from my bedroom to bound down the stairs into the kitchen.

There waiting for me on the kitchen island is a travel mug and Lora screwing on the top, enclosing the steam within the metal. "Tell me that's not for me." I beam and Lora nods, handing it over to me with a smile.

"Thank you so much. See you later." I quickly turn on my heel and rush out of the house, nearly shrinking back when the cold wind whips me in the face.

Slipping inside Riley's BMW I don't waste time turning the vents in her car to face me. The heat thawing my bones. "It's so darn cold out there!"

"Honestly though. I'm beginning to think it's Antarctica out there." Riley chuckles, pulling away from the house and driving right out of the peaceful neighborhood.

Taking cautious sips of my coffee, I ask, "we picking up Chloe? Or has she gone to the dark side?"

"She is. . ." Riley's voice cuts out as her eyes set on the cars up ahead of her. The morning traffic is one thing I didn't miss after a week off of school. The light turns green and she's speaking once more. "She is getting a ride with Chris from now on. The two love birds can't stand to be away from one another."

"Couples." I snort.
"Speaking of which," Riley flicks on the left hand blinker and turns down Pico Blvd. "When is Cooper coming back?"

"Hopefully soon." I pull down the sun visor and fix my hair in the mirror. The brown waves seem to be a tad more curly than usual today.

"Are you gonna mope around until he does?" Riley glances at me briefly from the corner of her eye.

With a sly grin I shrug. "I might."

"I need new friends." Snatching my mug, Riley gulps down a couple sips of coffee then hands it back just as we pull into the school parking lot crowding with cars.

The bell nearly rings by the time we make it to the lunchroom where we greet Chloe and Chris as in love as ever and Bryce. . .in an oddly dissatisfied mood. "You okay?" I lean down to ask but he brushes me off.

Nodding, Bryce stands from his seat. "I've gotta get to class. See you all later."

"Weird." I look to Chloe then to the table just behind us where my brother engages in conversation with Cooper's friends. "I'll be back." I say and rush off towards the table where I wrap my arms around Blake's back from behind.

"Holy-Kyla." He ruffles my hair. "You scared the shit outta me."

"Good." I stand at his side, greeting the faces I've grown to enjoy being around. Cooper's friends aren't as obnoxious as I remember months back, they're actually pretty cool guys.

"So Kyla," Matt leans his arm over his knee as he sits on the surface of the circular lunch table. "You miss Cooper?"

"What kind of question is that? Yes." I chuckle.

It's odd, you know. Everything is beginning to settle down in my life. Things are. . .good. As good as they can get. I've still got the stress of being a high schooler and the tragedy of losing my family but I'm learning to be thankful for what I do have. All of this.

It's finally like I can breathe again after drowning for so long, I get to resurface and it's extraordinary.

"Well he misses you too." Cameron ruffles my hair.

Swatting his hand away I ask. "How would you know that?"

"Because he texts us everyday saying how much he misses you." Tanner chuckles, his friends join in.

"He won't shut up about you, it's actually freakin annoying." Aaron rolls his eyes.

"I feel like I know more about you than I should." Cameron grins. Ruffling his honey blonde hair.

"I'm beginning to think she's got Cooper whipped." Matt laughs, making the sound of a whip hitting the air.

"Forget that," Tanner grins at me. "She's completely broke the boy."

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