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Q: Why is it called 'just kidding'?

A: I gave it the tittle of 'Just Kidding' because..well at first that was the name. Now it is too late to change it anyways. But the title; if you read further into it, it explains that. 'Just Kidding' does not mean... "Just kidding it is a happy ending!" It means "just kidding there are no happily ever afters."

Q:What happened to Chloe?

A: As I had said in 'Love, Kyla' Chloe happily moves on with Chris where they move into an apartment somewhere in California. I didn't have a certain destination for them in Cali but L.A or Long Beach would be two places you could imagine them living.

Q: How did you come up with this story?

A: You know, that is a good question because I hardly know myself. It was during summer and I had extra time on my hands and I wanted to put another book up that I enjoyed more than the ones I had up at the time which I took off because they were simply horrible but I guess I was reading a lot of cliche stories which is where I got the beginning of this novel and at the time I wasn't even sure how I wanted it to end but I just knew I did not want a cliche ending.
If you read any of my books that I put up in the future you must know that none of them have a cliche ending. But don't worry they won't all end with someone dying in the end haha. Anyways. The ending came to me once I got about forty or so chapters in and realized that it would be boring if I ended it on a happy note, Cooper and Kyla were together for a while at this point and if I kept going then had them running off into the sunset , it may not be as good as I would hope. So with that I had the idea of having the main girl slowly but beautifully pass away.

Q: How is Kyla's brother, knowing he is alone?

A: Her brother isn't alone exactly. Family wise: Yes he is. But he does still have Amber who he cares for deeply. Of course he still mourns Kyla but it has been four years and everyone grieves differently. Blake has moved on but he hasn't forgotten her.

Q: Do you think happy endings exist in real life?

A: You know, to be totally honest with you. I do believe they exist to an extent. My life so far has passed as unlucky, if it just be with guys or money and mostly just people in general. My life may not be depressing but it certainly isn't a gift. But I still believe that happiness is always waiting for us. No matter how tragic the days are now. Joy comes out of the darkness. But then in the end is there ever a happy ending? We move on. We pass away and we experience loss. Life is rough but I presume that you can find the good out of all of it if you so desire to.

If any of you have more questions to ask I can answer those as well until all questions are out haha. Anyways I have a little bit of a rant I want to tell all of you:

So I know many of you comment on the last chapters and say something on the lines of "I hate this. The ending is so sad," and so on. I understand a lot of you may like my story and a lot of you may not, that's understandable. Now I also understand a lot of you dislike the ending because of how I decided to finish it.

But I really don't think some of you are getting the point. The ending is not supposed to please everyone nor be happy at all. I didn't intend on it being happy. It resembles life and how unfair it can be.

Now for those of you who haven't gone through life and experienced rough patches, than you may not get the concept I am trying to portray and I get that.

Getting to the point. . .

There will not be a sequel. I'm sorry. But there were a few people who had said yes to it but even the ones who agreed had said that they would want to see her resurrected and return to Cooper or that Riley and Cooper should separate and that is not the way I wanted to write the sequel.

If I wrote a second book none of you would enjoy it because it does not meet your needs of "joy" and I don't want to cause any more sadness and dislike than I already have. So with that, I will leave the continuation of their lives up to your imagination. It's better than what I had planned for a sequel anyways.

Remember I love you all and I'm glad you made it to the end with me and thank you for making writing an incredible journey and I hope you stick around for more of my work <3

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