Chapter 39: F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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It's a cold and rainy Saturday morning here in Santa Cruz as I curl up in my blankets, on my tenth episode of Friends since waking up. I've got an empty pint of Ben & Jerry's on my nightstand and a cup of hot chamomile tea on the way up right now.

I'm sick, not as sick as a dog but I don't particularly feel well and Cooper is currently unaware of this fact solely because he's out with Aaron and Matt right now. I refuse to take him away from his guy time. I can suffer on my own, I'm a big girl.

"Here comes the tea." Lora knocks on my bedroom door, entering with a steaming mug of tea in her hands. "Thank you so much." I smile at the kind woman, my eyes drooping and my nose running.

I also didn't tell Cooper of my sudden sickness because I actually resemble death himself with my hair tangled at the top of my head. My oversized t-shirt is stained in one too many places and continues to fall off my shoulder meanwhile my pajama pants. . .well, they've got pink giraffes on them.

Sure, Cooper and I are official now but that doesn't mean he's gotta see my bad side right off the bat. No thank you.

"Still watching Friends?" Lora chuckles, handing me the mug.

"I am. It's the best show to watch on a rainy day." I say.

"I agree. Let me sit with you?" Lora asks.

"You'll get sick."

"Meh. It's worth it."

I smile, "Okay." Taking my box of tissues, I move over a smidge and she plops down beside me.

"You're handling being sick pretty well you know." She says.

"Please. It's hardly anything, you should've seen me on my fifteenth birthday. Phew." I chuckle, blowing my nose.

"Usually I'm one to complain a lot when I'm sick, James hates it. I tend to see that a lot of people are fussy when they're not feeling well. But not you."

"Trust me, I'm complaining," I point to my head. "Just not saying anything."

My phone buzzes from the side table and Lora reaches for it. "It's Cooper." She sings.

"Oh. Ignore it." I shove the phone away and she laughs.


"Why? He can't see me like this!" I gesture to my almost lifeless self. "Besides he's hanging out with friends-can you get me those m&ms please?" I ask. Watching as she stares at me with her mouth hung open.

"What?" I ask. "Is there something on my face?"

Shaking her head, she snickers and sets my phone down to then grab the m&m bag. "You're one strange kid."

"I've been told." I dig my hands into the colorful chocolate pieces and go to town.

After one show, Lora and I are snuggled beneath the blankets.

The second show, we're laughing and drinking tea.

The third show, I think the tea is hitting me and I'm beginning to doze off. Leaning against her shoulder I watch as the screen hazes over.

The fourth show, well I presume she watched that all on her own. Or maybe Cooper did because when I wake up next, Lora is not Lora.

With my eyes shut, my hands begin to roam over a muscular chest, there's no boobs and last time I checked Lora isn't that strong. My hand ventures lower and lower and-

"You keep touching me like that, princess and we're going to have a problem." Cooper says, the vibrations run through my body like an electric current and it's safe to say I'm already in a better mood.

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