Chapter 14: Slumber Party

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After school I manage to group up with the girls easily as if we found each other telepathically. I survived yet another school day with only a couple more shoves, insults and somewhat brutal remarks from Cooper. Speaking of which, that boy is really starting to get on my last nerve these days. Thank God, at least there's one constant in my life.

     "Ready for the best night of our lives?" Riley squeals and Chloe being the excitable friend she is, jumps up and down enthusiastically in response. Once we're approaching Riley's beaten down car I hear my name called from behind. I swivel around only to be disappointed at the reveal.
"For fucks sake," I tilt my head back and let out a breathy groan. Cooper and Dawson are only a yard or two away, quickly gaining on us. I debate whether or not I should wait for them but the curiosity in me ends up winning.

"What do these assholes want?" Chloe scoffs. She and Riley remain close behind me as they approach us. "I thought we discussed not talking to each other anymore once schools out"

Cooper chuckles, not his usual sarcastic one but something more genuine. "Yeah I know. I just came to return. . ." reaching into the back pocket of his Levi's he pulls out—

"My phone?!" I gasp, the aqua blue case and chipped screen isn't hard to mistake. "H-how?" I ask myself but after a couple moments I realize.

"You two took it didn't you?" I scoff. It must've been while I was at the teachers desk informing him that I in fact did not draw the horrifyingly accurate representation of a penis in the corner of my homework sheet. He still didn't believe me. Fucking Cooper.

"Sadly it can't be unlocked with one-two-three-four." Dawson shrugs, "you're not as dumb as you used to be." My blood begins to boil.
"Anyways, since we couldn't get in to post freaky shit from your account. Well here." Cooper gestures to my cellphone still clutched between my tightening fist.

"You two," I point between the two, smiles wide as can be "are awful people." I turn on my heel and storm away with the two chuckling behind me.

"You okay?" Riley reaches for me but I slide into the backseat without so much as a second glance.

"Kiss my ass you douchebags!" Riley throws a fist in the air and flips them the bird before hopping into the car seconds later. "We gotta dash. I think they liked that more than they were supposed to." Riley steps on the gas and we're speeding away, the car erupts with hysterical cackles.

Arriving at Riley's house after going through a McDonald's drive-thru is the highlight of my entire week so far. "Those are my French fries." Riley snatches the package from Chloe's hands. "Fat ass." She snorts and Chloe mumbles, exiting the car.

Walking up the stone pathway surrounded by colorful flowers and lawn decorations we eventually step into the home that smells faintly of honey and now McDonald's fries. We take our food upstairs and collapse on her bed.

    "Since my parents are on a date tonight" Says Riley as she munches on her cheeseburger, "we've got some hours of pure freedom to kill until they get back."

I remember a time when my parents used to go out on dates every week. . .sometimes I picture a world where they're still out, they're just longer than usual. They'll come back. It's just an extended vacation; a long walk. Anything is better than the truth. That they're gone, they're not coming back.

"You thinking about your parents again?" Chloe asks with a sympathetic hand squeezing my shoulder. "When am I not?" I chuckle somberly, trying to hide the pang of agony rushing throughout my entire body.

"I'm sorry, Ky." Riley kicks off her shoes, rolling herself over the bed until she's snuggled at my side.

"It's gonna be okay. I promise one day everything will be okay and you won't hurt anymore." Chloe curls up at my other side.

After sometime spent cuddled in one another's arms Chloe gets the bright idea of baking, saying something along the lines of: "baking heals the soul." Now, of course it's a load of crap but Riley and I head downstairs along side her anyways. Pretty soon the three of us are elbows deep in cookie dough and flour and I'll admit it. My spirits are lifting.

     "Does this look tasty enough to eat or lethal enough to kill?" Chloe scrunches up her nose, holding up a tray of chocolate chip cookies.

     "If it's good enough to eat then we'll eat it. If it's dangerous enough to kill—" Riley looks at me from across the kitchen, a cup of chocolate milk in her hand.

"Then we'll give them to Cooper." I call out.
"Deal." Chloe slides the tray into the oven and sets the right temperature.
"Oh, looky here." Riley sings, holding up a half empty bottle of vodka.
"Where'd you get that?" I point, leaning back against the kitchen island.

"The cabinet. My mother stashes her alcohol everywhere in this damn house. The other day I found a tequila bottle in the shower." Riley snickers, screwing off the blue cap and tipping the bottle to her lips, taking a couple sips.

"Drinking and showering. Respect." Chloe receives the bottle next and after a decently large sip she hands it over to me.

Once the three of us are tipsy enough to dance and sing around the kitchen we decide it's a good time to change into our pjs which results in us then dancing around Riley's room as well. At least that is until the smell of burning cookies draws us down the stairs to the smoke filled kitchen.

While Riley sways towards the fridge for another chocolate milk Chloe and I open up the oven to even more smoke. The smell of burnt dough is overwhelming and it's safe to say these cookies are done for.

     "Shit." Chloe frowns.
"We're definitely giving these to Cooper. . ." I take one more whiff then gag, "and Dawson." I mutter.
     "What now?" Chloe groans, dumping the tray into the sink.

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