Wally West || Mirrors and Masks

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Title: Mirrors and Masks
season 1.5

Y/n - Your Name
Note - I sort of rewrote like 90% of this chapter. It's not necessary information but, I'm just sayin.

If you're up to it, you could always follow my instagram and watch my every move! @roseedia.wp


You make your way to the park, placing your bag down and fixing your appearance.

Your vision is blocked when somebody places their hands over your eyes.

"Guess who?" A completely recognizable voice asks.

"Mom?" You joke, turning around to see Wally.

He chuckles and gives you a warm and welcoming hug.

You don't normally hug all your friends, in fact, physical contact is something that you try to avoid in many situations. Wally is an exception though.

You pick up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder and continue on your search for a place to sit.

"How are you?" He asks, accompanying you on your walk.

"I'm..." You ponder for a second, unable to explain the stress of being at a mind-numbing school seven hours nearly every day. "existing."

"Hmm. Yeah, I'm for that."


"You existing. That sounds pretty cool."

"Nah. You may think it does, but it's not all that great."

"Oh shut up." He picks a place to sit.

You shrug and join him.

"Hey, where were you during the last few classes of today?"

"I... was ditching." He answers at an uneven pace. "Wiiiiith Jessica."

You pause, staring at him. This maybe would've hurt you, if you believed it.

"Bruh shut the fuck up and tell me what was actually going on." You disregard his bluff, while simultaneously hoping that it's a bluff.

"No, really! I was!" He insists, and your heart immediately drops when he continues. "It was lunch and we were talking and she and I wanted to get out of there and I mean it's only the last class after lunch, so we went to the movies. We saw Frozen 2, since it just released a few days ago. And she was wearing shorts, so you know what that means."

He did not seem to stop talking, he kept adding on.

You walked right into this, you scold yourself. You've got no right to be mad.

You grew silent and distant the more he spoke.

And to think he was interested in you.

"Y/n? Y/n?"

You realize you had zoned out when he wasn't talking about it anymore, and he had a concerned look written on his face.

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