Bart Allen || Bound {Part Four}

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Title: Bound
season 3

Y/n - your name
S/n - shit name (yeah. Insert shit name slander here)

Note - this was going to be named "bound 2" but considering what kanye is up to now, i'd rather not. it would not have aged well.

HIS EYES ARE ON the road. He probably hasn't noticed you glancing over at him as many times as you did. You wonder if she told him anything. If she did, he didn't show it.

"What're you looking at?" He says, narrowing his eyes and turning his head towards you with a suspicious slowness. Oh shit, maybe he did notice.

"Bruh, eyes on the road!" You yelp as he gets closer to other cars.

"Only if you look at me," he says.

"What? What, are you-are you crazy? Bart! Look at the damn road!" You keep glancing from him to the road, grabbing onto the bitch-bar yet again.

"Alright! Alright!"

His eyes are green. You've known this. It does not tire you. At this point, you're not sure which makes your heart beat faster: his driving or his gaze. Grinning from ear to ear like the perilous bastard he is, he laughs and the car finally slows down.

"I figured it out," you slow down your hyperventilation, "you're insane."

"See, that's what I've been trying to tell you—you just haven't been listening. Now tell me what you're thinking about, dingus."

"I'm not thinking 'bout anything."

"Oh yeah?"


"Yeah?" His fingers stretch out before clasping the steering wheel again.

"Yeah! What, you don't believe me?"

"I can't say that I do, y/n. No way you were glaring holes into my car and staring off into the distance without thinking of anything."

Now there's different ways to respond to this. You can keep acting oblivious to what he's talking about. Or you can straight up ask if he likes that girl, but what's the good in that? On one hand you don't want to push him toward her, on the other, if he is push-toward-her-able, then it's easier for you to let go early on.

"How long have you known s/n?"

"Well... not really long. She's in my Language Arts, but she started talking to me more recently."

"Oh?" Jealousy. Jealous jealous jealous, to the point where the word doesn't feel real anymore. Just a rotten green feeling.

"Yeah, but get this, she always asks for help on her essays. Sometimes it will be over the simplest sentences known to man, it's so irritating. I'd have hated to have her in math."

"You seemed pretty happy to talk to her." You keep your eyes straight, but you can feel his extended glances on you.

"Well, no." He pulls into a mall and parks in the nearest spot. "Y/n, no."


"No? What do you mean, 'no'? You had the fattest smile on—Y'know what, you're right. It's not my business. I just overstepped."

"Well if you let me finish," he pulls up the emergency break. "Y/n, I do not want to start this night on a bad note. Of all nights, not this one, so let's talk about this."

"What's there to talk about?"

"You're jealous! That's what there is to talk about!"

Lowering your head into your hands,

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