The story of my protector.

Începe de la început

“Dimitri, are you okay?” I ask quietly. He doesn’t respond he just looks up at me.

“What does it matter if he is okay, I’m more worried about you” Mark says folding his arms.

“Look Mark I know you probably meant well in some weird fucked up way, but I think Dimitri has more than proved himself so could you just do me a favour and at least pretend to get along!” I moan turning around to face Marks now disgusted face.

“No way! Not a freaken chance Clara, he is a demon and I will not trust a demon!” Mark yells.

“And why not Mark! What is it that makes people think that just cause their parents do something they have to do it to! Is that the only reason you hate demons! Why couldn’t you have just been in the army?” I yell back

“Clara I hate demons because they are disgusting the kill rape and eat anything that they find, and trust me its bad when they catch a man or a woman, it’s horrific but do you know what’s worse! Is when then they lure in a kid, Clara you know me no one influences my decisions, I am a demon hunter because I want to be and thanks to my parents I can! He is a demon and he is just like the rest!”

“NO! He’s not, Mark you need to understand Dimitri is not going to hurt me, and I trust him” I plead a little softer towards the end. “Right now I trust him a little more than I trust you right now” I say crossing my arms and drop my gaze to the floor.

“Is that really how you feel?” Mark says sounding more hurt than ever.

“Mar…” I begin to say but Mark starts walking towards the door.

“Fine then if you don’t trust me then fine, I hope he doesn’t kill you!” he says as he slams the door shut.

“Ugh, em, oh” I just stutter.  One of my hands instinctively falls on my hip while the other raises to my fore head as I turn to face Dimitri.

“I swear to fuck you better not kill me or try and drag me to hell because he will say I told you so!” I moan to Dimitri. I hear his slight laugh.

Randomly I start to feel a little light headed and the room starts spinning. My eyes get a little fuzzy but I can see Dimitri.

Randomly I start to feel a little light headed and the room starts spinning. My eyes get a little fuzzy but I can see Dimitri as I fall. I hear him shout my name but it’s muffled as a pass out.


“Clara” I hear softly as I feel his warm hand shake my shoulder gently. A littlecroak escaped my lips as I roll over to the side Dimitri is on. When I open my eyes a crack expecting myself to have slept for hours and the sunlight to be streaming but no it’s still dark. I swing my arm around slowly and touch the side of the Dimitri’s face and his hand covers mine.

“How long have I been out?” I croak as my voice is a little weak.

Demon in me!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum