We sat around for a little with the little man before I got a text from Luke.



From Lukey: Could Mike and I come over. Ashton's whore..I mean girlfriend is here and they won't stop eating eachother's faces off. ;)



If you're wondering, yes Ashton is still dating the girl he cheated on Allie with. I told Luke and Mikey that he cheated on Allie with her, so now they call her his whore. None of us like her, and we have all expressed that to Ash quite a few times, and he just blows us off.


I thought it was bro's before hoe's dude....


"Luke and Mikey want to get away from Ashton and his whore, can we tell them today? It may be the only time you see them with out Ash coming along." I asked her. She nodded and stood up.


"I'll be getting ready. I'll get our little man ready too. If they get here before I'm out, don't mention me. I'll surprise them." Allie said and gave me a light kiss on the lips before taking Lucas from my arms and walking into our bedroom.


I called and ordered a pizza for the four of us. I figured the boys would either just want a lazy movie day, or they would want to play FIFA, so either way it's a lazy day. Probably just movies, it's a Saturday, and that is usually what we do on Saturday's. Usually we are all together, as in the band, but Ashton has been to close to Carli lately to pay any attention to us.


I think he is hiding something from us.


After what seemed like five minutes, but was probably more like fifteen, Luke and Mikey came in the front door.


"Hey Cal." Luke said as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a can of Coca-Cola before returning into the living room. I followed him out and sat on the couch next to him.

I Miss You ( An Ashton Irwin fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now