Chapter 20

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Nick could feel everything that happened, he could feel the heat of the room from his own powers, as well as the chill in the air from Remiel's powers.

He could feel the warm sensation of Remiel's blood in his mouth, trailing down his chin and dripping onto his bare chest, making him shiver. He braced himself against the wall and fought the urge to vomit, swallowing quickly and taking deep breaths. He dropped to his knees in front of the toilet when he lost control of him stomach, shuddering.

He was in the bathroom, where he had locked himself in after finally gaining control and shifting back. He was naked, and he was shivering due to the apartment being cold as well as revulsion in himself and what had just happened, what he had done, without being able to control it.

He had shifted into his lupine form only a few times in his entire life, it took great anger and intense power to shift and it caused him a great deal of pain each time. Unlike the modern version of werewolves, lupine were not gifted with an easy shift, nor was it a pet-like animal.

Lupine were uncontrollable beasts when let loose, who craved the taste of flesh and blood, and the thrill of the hunt. They could not be tamed, and would be willing to attack anything and anyone, especially each other. The only time a wolf did not attack a being, was when it was their Mate. The reason for that, was because their Mates were the only ones that could give them children.

Needless to say, it was uncommon for a Lupine to find their Mate. It was a curse given to Lupine by their creator, so they could never grow in number and rebel. Lupine were pure animal, driven by instinct alone, and the instinct to fight for power was only natural. After all, they were wolves. Not regular wolves in any sense, they were much larger, anywhere between the size of a cow to that of a horse, and they were able to use telekinese as well as being agile, unbelievably strong and extremely fast. They were the perfect killing machines, which is what they were made for.

Nick had been cursed with his lupine form after being thrown into a battle with a lupine. When he defeated his opponent by forcing him to live through his worst nightmare in his mind, Nick had gained all of the abilities of the lupine.

His Lupine was red due to the fact that he was an Alpha, he was the strongest of the Lupine. The weakest were white, gray or silver was a step above that and black were similar to betas, they were considered the strongest mainly because Alphas were so rare to find.

His pure white eyes were another curse forced upon him, through those eyes he was able to see, hear, feel and smell everything that was going on around him. Most Lupine were forced into a state of slumber when they were shifted, they wouldn't know what was going on until they shifted back into their human form.

His master was to thank for his "gift", it was what his master had wanted for him, to become the strongest of demons and to rise through the ranks before he even became a teenager. At the time of his first battle he had been five, and had only used his power once before. It had taken him two weeks to heal from his wounds, and he had nearly died.

That hadn't stopped his master from putting him back in the ring, though. He lost track of how many demons he had fought throughout his childhood, it was more than a thousand. He had become cold to killing, torture became like a game to him. The more they screamed, the more he would be praised.

His master had been his father, but he had never allowed Nybbas to address him as that. He considered Nybbas filth, nothing worthy of being called his child. Nybbas was the bastard child of the Demon of Lust, Lucifer's right hand man. His mother had been an Egyptian princess, who was to be murdered after her father found out she had slept with a demon. The Demon of Lust hadn't allowed that and had kept her as his sex slave, that is, until he found out she was pregnant. He killed her after birth, and the only thing that stopped Nick's father from killing him was the power he had felt radiating off of Nybbas even as an infant. The Demon of Lust had hated Nybbas because he was part human and he had emotions like guilt and mercy. Demons didn't have those emotions, Lucifer made sure of that.

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