Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

I heard the footsteps get louder. I knew he was walking towards me. I felt his lips on my cheek. Then the footsteps started and the door opened. The sound of the hospital entered the room, nurses and doctors talking to other patients. Then the door closed and I could no longer hear the sound of the outside hospital. 

I looked over and saw an empty baby cradle. There was a blue blanket in there and a folder. The outside of it had a little piece of paper. I couldn't read it but I knew what it said. Matthew James Winchester.

There was no picture for me to look at. I wouldn't be able to know what he looked liked. Did he look more like me or did he look more like Sam? 

Then the sound of the hospital came back in when the door opened. I looked up about to yell at Sam to get out but it wasn't Sam. It was Crowley.

"You requested to see me, princess," Crowley said walking into the room. The door closed.

"Don't come closer. You'll get stuck in the trap," I said. It was one of the first times that I've ever treated him like a father instead of an outcast.

"Ah yes, the trap set by the Winchesters. The one that is destined to keep you from your precious little demon. The future King. How is he, by the way?" Crowley asked walking over to one of the chairs and sitting down.

"I wouldn't know. Dean and Sam have kept me here. I got to see him for all of ten minutes and when he wasn't warming up, they took him. That's where I need to ask you a favor. Where is my baby? Can you let me see him?" I asked looking at him.

"I can see what I can do. Tell me, why do you go to me before that angel?" Crowley asked looking at me.

"The angel is in on that plan with the Winchesters. He would never help me. Why would he help me when he has Dean?" I asked looking over at him. He stood up and nodded at me. Then with a blink of my eye, he was gone. I looked back down at the bed sheets. 

I looked up and saw Sam standing in the doorway. He looked at me then looked away. Then he was out of the doorway. Dean was there instead. He opened the door and walked in. He waited to make sure that the door was closed before spoke.

"Okay, Vicki, if you promise that you will control yourself then we have someone to show you," Dean said. 

"Fine. I promise," I said. Dean walked back towards the door and nodded. Then Sam walked in with a blue blanket in his arms. I knew then exactly who that someone was, "Matthew." I whispered. 

Sam handed him to me and I looked down at the one thing that I knew would be mine forever. My baby. My Matthew. He had dark brown hair that covered the back of his head. He looked like a perfect little angel. This was my baby. The one person that I would never let anyone hurt. Ever. 

He would grow to be a heart breaker. He would have a perfect life. There would be no wrong with him. When he got older, he would be able to go out and do everything he wanted to. I would teach him to be a hunter when the time was right but why would he hunt if he would be hunted as a monster. It was all my fault. He would have to be home schooled to learn how to control the horrible curse that haunts him. Would he be a heartbreaker like his Uncle Dean or would he be like his Dad?

"Mrs. Winchester, are you alright?" The nurse said standing in the doorway. I looked up and saw the same nurse that I had screamed at standing there.  It took me a minute to realize that she was talking to me. I'd forgot that we put my name as Victoria Winchester to avoid confusion for Matthew later in life.

"I want to apologize. I'm sorry for my actions. I shouldn't have done that to you. I just wanted to see my baby. You understand, don't you?" I asked smiling at the nurse. 

"I understand. I had a c-section done for my daughter. I wasn't able to see her for about eight hours. I screamed at my nurse, too," She said bringing me a bottle. I took it from her and stuck the bottle in his mouth. My little Matthew.

"Vicki, I couldn't find him. I do-" Crowley started walking into the room. "Ah I see, you found him."  He stopped short and looked at me. I smiled at him. 

"I'll leave you to your family," The nurse said walking out of the room. 

"Is the-" I started when the door closed.

"Yes, the trap is gone. We thought about what happened and we knew that you had to see him," Dean said. Sam was standing by the window looking at me and Matthew. Dean looked over at Crowley and then at the door. Crowley nodded and they both walked out of the room. I looked over at Sam and made eye contact. Then he looked away.

"Sam, why do you look at me like I've killed Matthew?" I asked looking back at Matthew.

"I still want what is best for Matthew. I cannot keep you from seeing him. He still is your son." Sam said.

"Then why don't you look at me like you did before? When you went to say I love you," I asked looking at him.

"I do love you. I love you and I love our son. I don't want you to get upset. I can't help but stand there and think what would happen to him if you lost control," Sam said.

"Sam. Shut up. I love you, too," I said holding Matthew close. Sam walked over and kissed me.

"You should understand then, why I'm doing this," Sam said. My head started to hurt and I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Sam, what's happening?" I asked. 

"Shhhhh, Vicki. It will all be over soon. Say night night to Matthew," Sam said looking at me. Sam reached for Matthew. My eyes got heavier.

"Night Night Matthew," I said handing him to Sam. Then everything went dark.

"Goodbye, Victoria. I love you." Was all I heard Sam say before I blacked out.


Hey, guys! Congratulations to gmpintraining for being the reader that chose the name, Matthew. Unfortunately, there is only one chapter left of Crowley's daughter. I will save the sappy ending to this story for the last chapter.

QOTD: Did you enjoy the story? And will you be reading the sequel that will be posted in July/August in 2017?

Please remember to Always Keep Fighting. Love you all! <3

The next and final chapter will be posted on March 27, 2017,

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