Chapter Three

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"So while I was gone, what research did you two get done?" Dean said pulling a sausage egg and cheese out of the bag he had. He got himself a sausage egg and cheese, Sam an egg-white omelet, and Victoria a bacon egg and cheese. He bought coffee for himself and Sam, while he got Victoria a hot chocolate. 

"I learned that Victoria has never had a nickname since her Nana called her pumpkin, " Sam said before taking a bite of his omelet. 

"Wait, are you serious? You've never had a nickname before? How is that even possible/? Dean asked leaning closer to Victoria. 

"No, I've never had a nickname. I don't really make friends long enough for them to give me a nickname. I don't get along with people and people don't get along with me. I like to keep it that way,"  Victoria said taking a bite of sandwich. 

"I don't like people either but I've gotten my fair share of nicknames. Some of the were Deano, Sexy, and Squirrel." Dean said. At the sound of the last name, Victoria started choking. She put her arms above her head and Sam patted her back. She took a breath and stopped choking. Both, Dean and Sam, had a confused look on your face. 

"People have called you sexy and squirrel?" Victoria asked trying to recover from what Dean had said. Well now I know that Dean is Squirrel and Sam is Moose. Technically, I'm listening to Dad by not falling for Squirrel, but Moose isn't that bad. Victoria though, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Well, not at the same time. You see all of the ladies call me sexy cause I'm the beauty of the Winchesters. Sammy over there is the brains. But this dude Crowley, King of Hell and King of the Crossroads, calls me Squirrel. He calls Sammy Moose" Dean said taking a bit of his sandwich. 

They sat there for a few minutes with awkward silence filling the room. Victoria took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Anyways, so get this, apparently there is one more waitress at the AllStar Diner with brown eyes, Miranda Woodbridge. She is twenty and lives with her fiance, Mark Andrews. He is a manager for a Men's Wearhouse about twenty minutes from here." Sam said. 

"Alright, so Sam you go talk to Miranda and the other workers at the Diner. I'll go talk to Mark and see what I can find out about him while you miss, stay here and research all you can about an angel who loves waitresses and brown eyed girls with Cas." Dean said. 

"Seriously, I'm stuck on research?!" Victoria asked. Clearly, she was upset but that wasn't going to make Dean change his mind. 

Before Dean could even answer, someone appeared in the room. He was definitely shorter that Dean and Sam but way taller than Victoria. He was wearing a suit with a blue tie under a trenchcoat. Castiel Victoria thought. 

"Yep. Vicki give Sam your keys so we don't have to wait on each other." Dean said walking towards and out the door. Victoria handed Sam her keys and he smiled at her. He went into the bathroom and changed into a suit. 

Within five minutes, she was alone with the angel.

"Okay, so I guess we should start on this research," Victoria said grabbing her laptop from the floor. 

"I know who you are," Castiel said walking to the other side of the table. "Princess of Hell. What are you doing here? It can't be for anything good."

"What do you want from me, Castiel?" Victoria asked.

"The truth.  Tell me why you left your Dad. After you tell me, tell Sam and Dean, they have a right to know." Castiel said holding a demon blade in his hand. 

"Look, if you must know, my dearest father kicked me out. He said that if I was going to be in love with a bloody traitor that I could get out now before I embarrassed him. I'm looking for fresh start. Is that too much to ask?" Victoria answered. 

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