Chapter Twenty-One

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Victoria's P.O.V.

"How the hell does this happen?!" Dean yelled. 

"Well, Dean, when a man and a woman," Cas started.

"I know how it happens! I'm just shocked that my little brother is going to be a father!" Dean exclaimed.

"You think that you are shocked?! My daughter is pregnant with that Moose!" Crowley yelled. 

Zoning out, I stuck my hand on my stomach. I heard him. His voice kept ringing in my mind. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with my own little Moose. My own little Sam. He or she would run up and down the bunker. They would go to school and when they got old enough, Uncle Dean would get them involved in the family business. I wouldn't have to worry because Sam would give his life for our baby. Wait, how long have I been pregnant.

"How long?" I asked. Everyone stopped talking and Lucifer looked at me.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"How long have I been pregnant?" I asked, again.

"About three weeks," Lucifer answered.

"Wait a minute, how is it possible that I have morning sickness if morning sickness doesn't start til six weeks into the pregnancy?" I asked looking at him.

"The devil works in mysterious ways," Meg said smiling. I glared at her from the bucket. I sat there for a minute. Then I got up and sat down at the table. Dean and Crowley were arguing about who had it worse. Meg and Cas were talking with Lucifer. Sam was just sitting there looking at the table. 

"There is no way that you have it worse than me!" Dean yelled. "Now, I have to train another hunter!" 

"Who says that my grandchild will be a hunter!" Crowley yelled back.

"Lucifer, there is no way that you will have Sam become your vessel," Cas said.

"I did! My niece or nephew will be a hunter!" Dean yelled back.

"But brother, it is not your choice to make. It's Sam's choice," Lucifer said.

"Like Hell they will!" Crowley yelled. 

"Why are you so invested in Sam and Victoria, anyways?" Meg asked.

"Enough!" Sam yelled standing up. 

Everyone looked at him. Crowley adjusted his tie and sat down a seat closer to me. Dean sighed and sat down next to Sam. Dean didn't look up from the table at me or Crowley. Lucifer turned and stood behind me. He stuck his hands on my shoulders. Cas didn't move. 

"Get out," Meg said. "You have brought too much drama into my organization. So, get out. Clarence, I would love to help you but I refuse to help any of your friends. So unless this has to do with something to help me, get out."

Meg pointed towards the door. No one moved. She sighed and walked towards the other door. Opening the door, she turned and looked at Cas. She shook her head and left. With the door closing behind her, I stood up. I began to walk towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" Dean asked.

"She told us to leave. I feel that this is the least that we can do for her. Besides, if she comes back with an army, I'm not putting myself in harms way," I said opening the door and walking out. I walked down a long hallway and stopped at the doors to the exit of the warehouse. I sighed.

As I turned the door handle, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Sam standing there.

"Come on, we need to talk while everyone else is still arguing. Before they notice that we are gone, come on." Sam said taking my hand. We walked outside and towards the Impala. 

Crowley's DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon