Chapter One

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"Hi Daddy," Victoria said walking into the kitchen of the small apartment they were in. She was wearing blue jeans, a black shirt, a black leather jacket, and black combat boots. Victoria sat down across from Crowley. He was busy working with papers all over the table. 

"Hello, darling. Are you ready for your first assignment without me?" Crowley said without looking up. 

"I've been ready for the past ten years. Where am I going?" She asked standing up. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a Sprite. 

"I need you to gain someone's trust and find out more information about them. Don't tell them who you are or that you know me and don't reveal that you are a demon. It could jeopardize the whole mission." He said looking up. 

"I know I know." She said rolling her eyes.

"Alright then. Here your first task is in Chicago, Illinois. Recently there was a werewolf incident that the Winchesters will be wanting to figure out what happened. I need you to pretend you are a hunter and help them out. This mission will take a while to gain their trust so I expect regular reports at the end of each week what happens. When you accomplish what I've given you, then I'll let him out." Crowley said handing her a newspaper of the exact crime.

"You mean it?" Victoria said smiling.

"Of course."

"Ok. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Oh and one more thing darling. Take the car." Crowley said.

Victoria nodded and ran back to her room. She grabbed a suitcase and began to pack everything she would need for the next couple of months. She grabbed three pairs of jeans, three black shirts, a nice dress, a dress suit, and a pair of black heels. In a small bag, she put in all the bathroom essentials. Then she grabbed a purse and packed her phone, the charger, the fake ids, and her demon blade. Walking back out to the kitchen, she hugged her father and grabbed the car keys. Then she left.


Driving down the road in her 1977 Pontiac  Firebird Trans Am, Victoria received a phone call.

"Hello?" Victoria said putting the phone on speaker.

"Hello? Is this Agent Jones? Your boss called last night and said you would be on your way down this morning." The voice said. Dad must have called last night when he was finding this case. He must have figured that the Winchesters would go for it  Victoria thought.

"Speaking. I'm about a half hour away but any information that you can give me now would be helpful." Victoria answered. 

"When you get here, two agents from your unit are here, Agent Smith and Agent Anderson. The two Agents already interrogated the suspects and the police who were at the crime. They said they will fill you in once you get here. See you soon Agent." With that, she hung up. 

Alright, so the Winchesters are already there. This makes my job so much easier. Well Winchesters, let's do this.

-30 minutes later-

Walking up to the crime scene, Victoria fixed her dress and walked up to the police tape. The cop stopped her and she showed her badge. He nodded and she went under the line. Two men in suits stood talking and then they saw her. The tall one looked dumbfounded and the shorter one waved her over. She began to walk over when she saw the body on the floor. Holding up a finger, she walked over to the body. It was a woman with black hair and her heart ripped out of her chest. The woman looked like she was only twenty-two. She turned and walked over to the two men. She knew she was short being only 5'1" but compared to these two she looked like a child. 

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