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"Has what been good?"

Karmin throws her head back and laughs loudly, "wow, thought he would of put it in by now."

My eyes pop out of their sockets. Sex? She's talking about sex in front of all these people? "Um, thanks for the dance," I say trying to back away.

"Just thought he would. He doesn't look like the type to wait," Karmin says, shaking her head.

I give her a small smile and walk back towards Harry, who has his eyes locked on mine.

"You're so cute, baby." Harry says when I sit right beside him. "Saw the whole show. These white pants look phenomenal on you." He says then picks at the pants on my upper thigh.

The whole show huh? Deciding not to mention the man Harry was talking to I choose to ask him about Karmin. "Who's the girl?...Karmin."

Harry puts his hands on my shoulders and leans on to me. "Some lost puppy."

"Oh." It's like that, I guess.

"Do you want another drink? More champagne? I've finished half so far."

I look at the bottle in his hands, as he doesn't even let me answer before he refills my glass. I sigh in annoyance. "You don't always need alcohol to have a good time." I tell Harry. He smiles wide and decides to not respond and puts 'my' glass to his lips and drinks it. When there is less than half left he brings the glass to my lips, which I grab and drink, unfortunetly.

"I'm just happy for us," Harry says, then nibbles on my ear. He places his hand back on my thigh and the arm that's already on my shoulder moves me closer to him. "Aren't you happy, baby?"

"Of course." I turn to face him and pull him by the collar on his shirt, putting my lips to his.

As we part from the kiss, Harry brings his lips to my ear and I feel his warm breath touch my skin. "Do you want to leave?" he whispers.

I look into his eyes and see how eager he is. I put my hand to his shoulder and lean my head on his chest, a sort of unpleasent position, but I wanted to feel his warmth; his body on mine, his heartbeat. I touch the buttons on his shirt. "We just got here though."

"Fuck. Who cares Gisele?"

"You want to go home?" I tease.

Harry smiles then places his fingers on my chin and makes me stare at him. "Home," he repeats.

I forgot that now we're going to be sharing our own home. "The beach house?" I say, waiting for Harry to tell me if that'll be where we'll live from now on or soon.

"Any house" he corrects. 'Whatever you want."

"I like the beach house. It's homey," I whisper to Harry, while still playing with the bottons on his shirt.

Harry grabs onto my wrist harshly and I look up to see what the fuss is all about. "Stop teasing," he says.

I smile and place a kiss to his lips. It's nice to know that I could just kiss him whenever I want and especially knowing that he doesn't really mind.

"Prince Harry!"A young man says coming towards Harry.

"What is it?" Harry says harshly, obviously annoyed.

"King Covetous wants you," the man says.

Harry lets out a groan and tells the man to give him a minute. "Sit here, I'll be back" he says to me.

"Hurry back, you know I hate to be alone" I admit. Harry gives me a smile and mumbles something on my skin before he moves from his seat and leaves me.

Prince Harry Ih.sIWhere stories live. Discover now