~~Catastrophe~~ •Shin• LEMON AU

Start from the beginning

He squeezed the hand which he grabbed. He wasn't threatening you with empty words, he really intended to break your arm. You clicked your tongue and let go of the knife.

"Oi, you over there!"

"Y-Yes, General Shin. What's the matter?" A man approached the two of you but you were still unable to look.

Shin released your hair as he ordered, "Take this pathetic soldier and lock her in the dungeon."

He forced you stand, enabling you to catch the face of the soldier.

Unbeknowst to you, Shin's eyes glistened with malice behind. The man in front of you averted his gaze away for a second and that was the last thing you saw before darkness engulfed your view.


You grunted, feeling your wrists aching in pain.

Opening your eyes, you were greeted with blinding lights. You realized you were sat on a chair with your arms tied behind you. They didn't let their guard down even at someone like you, they tied your legs as well.

"Shin, I'll leave her to you." A deep voice resounded throughout the silent room before a door was slammed shut.

"You heard him." Shin's voice chuckled as he approached you.

He took off the gag tied from your mouth to the back of your head you coughed a little bit before questioning him, "I thought you were supposed to take me to the dungeon?"

"That was my plan. But Niisan ordered me to take you here, the interrogation room. Well, I get to torture you either way so I don't mind." He let out an unpleasant laugh before grabbing you by the hair once again.

"Let's see... How about we start with the condition of your army?"

"Huh? Are you serious? Do you think I'd answer you, bastard?"

That earned a smack across your face. You spat out blood from your mouth, showing him that arrogant smirk of yours without faltering.

"Oh, you're well-trained, aren't you? Hehe." That cheap compliment was followed by another smack on the other side of your face.

Punches and slaps no longer worked at you. Those failures of yours a few years ago earned way more painful punishments.

"Hm, this doesn't work, does it? Well, I have plenty of other methods to try."

He took something out of his pocket but you were having trouble seeing what it was due to the light placed in front of you.

He walked behind you and your vision was robbed away from you.

Blindfold, eh?

"What do you plan to do with this? I'm used to all sort of torturing, you know."

"Let's see about that."

You felt his presence in front of you. He placed his hand on your uniform before muttering, "This is one complicated uniform, isn't it?"

You heard him pulling forth a knife to rip your uniform into two.

His hands placed themselves on your pants before taking them off as well, exposing more and more of your skin. He untied the ties on your ankles for a bit, you took that chance to kick him but he knew what you planned and stabbed your right foot.

A scream of agony finally erupted out of you.

"That's the first scream you let out right? I'll count how many times I can make you scream today."

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