anime! // laito

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"Why are you so annoying? Get away from me." You frustratedly groan.

"Nfu~ Bitch-chan, I know you'd be reaallly lonely without me. So don't be a liar and admit it." The vampire with a stupid fedora who's sitting beside you says.

"I won't be lonely. Besides, having you as a company is even worse than being alone." You glare into his green eyes.

He continues smirking his perverted grin, staring at you. You roll your eyes and turns your attention back to your phone. Why the hell do you have your phone? The answer is simple. Before you somehow got into this huge-ass mansion, you lost your phone and you had to buy a new one. And when you came here, you had no contacts whatsoever so you didn't call anyone or even thought about calling the police. It was clear to you that these guys are not just normal human beings and they threatened you so yeah... You can eat a lot of delicious food too, so why not?

"Bitch-chan, what's so interesting about that phone?" He asks, taking a peek at what caught your interest.

"Eh...?" He blinks a few times, "Bitch-chan, could it be.. you're an otaku?"

"And is there something wrong with that?" You ask with a smile. He sweatdrops, "Not really.."

Both of you sit there in silence and you're glad for it! But the vampire thinks of something up and decides to break the silence -.-"

"Bitch-chan, why don't we watch some anime together? Nfu~" He chuckles

"R-Really!?" You excitedly reply.

"Yeah!" He grins.

"Yay! So what anime are we gonna watch!?"

"How about henta—" You smack his head.

"I probably shouldn't have expected too much." You sigh.

"Nfufu~ I'm just kidding, Bitch-chan~! So... Tragedy? Horror? Psychological? Shounen? Or maybe Shoujo? Nfu!"

"Definitely not Shoujo, I ain't gonna be comfortable watching that with you." You shiver at the thought of watching shoujo anime with Laito ._.

"Psychological then?" You ask him. "I don't mind~" He replies.

"Ok! I'm 100% sure you haven't watch Death Note—"

"I have."

"Eh...? What!?" You shout, "S-Sakamaki Laito actually watches anime!?"

"What's wrong with that, Bitch-chan~?" He grins.

"I'm surprised." You say.

"Ayato-kun heard it from someone and watched it. He told me he didn't really understand and asked me to watch with him, nfufu~"

"As expected of Ayato." ᵙ_ᵙ

"How about Psycho Pass? It's really good too! And sad." It pains your heart everytime you think about it (╥﹏╥)

"Ehh~ let's watch it then~"

"Ok!" You grin, causing Laito to smirk at your unusually excited self.


Weird... Yes, for Laito to watch anime with Reader-chan is really weird after all •_•

I really like the "Ayato not really understanding Death Note" part XD

Ayato: Oi! What was that supposed to mean!? *appearing outta nowhere*
Scar: Crap!

Anyway... My HDB came yesterday!! LOL im so happy~ I'm now at Dark 06 and is about to start Dark 07 !

Im working on part #2 of this cuz Laito hasn't seen every fangirling side of me -^^-

See you minna~~ *gives u guys laito's chu chu*v

Published On: 25/08/15 | 23:15
Edited On: 18/11/16 | 22:33


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