Chapter 6

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Sunshine 🌝: You're still bringing Lauren today, right?

Y/N/N 🤦‍♀️: I'm supposed to bring her?

Sunshine 🌝: Don't fuck this up for her, Y/LN, she needs this. Put your damn pride aside and give that girl a ride here

Y/N/N 🤦‍♀️: Jeez okay, but I'm tellin Jesus

I put my phone away with a sigh. Ally was literally just telling me to stay away from Lauren for our own good but now she wants me to drive her everywhere? Make up your goddamn mind.

My eyes subconsciously traveled to the green eyed girl who was still sitting in her seat. All I wanted was for her to be mine but it couldn't happen, and even if I could I wouldn't know how. I completely freeze up whenever I'm near the shorter girl. Lauren looked up and our eyes met, but she quickly looked down as her face turned bright red.

That was happening a lot today, she would blush super red and avoid my eyes as much as she could. I didn't know what was causing it but I didn't want to push her into telling me at the same time. She was so quiet and shy, I doubt she'd just come right out and say it. I doubt she'd ever stand up for herself, which saddened and angered me at the same time. How could an asshole do that to someone so sweet and innocent like her. She's literally done nothing wrong, and she couldn't hurt a fly if she even wanted to.

I sighed to myself once more before cleaning up my desk a little. "Do you need a ride to the studio?" I asked, since Lauren was the only one in the classroom. "I know it's your first day."

"No, it's okay. I can walk." Lauren's voice was so quiet that I had to strain to hear her. I scoffed playfully as I packed my shit away, finally finished with it. I threw my bag over my shoulder and stood up, making sure I had my keys before walking to stand in front of Lauren. In a rash decision I held out my hand for her to take.

Lauren looked in between my eyes and my hand hesitantly. "Come on, I insist." I even added a smile on my face. Lauren still looked hesitant but she eventually took my hand and stood up. She gathered her things before following me out of the door. I locked up the classroom and led her to my car, opening the door for her to get it. A blush covered her cheeks as she slid in and I closed the door, walking over to the driver's side.

I knew that no matter what Ally said would be beneficial for the both of us, I couldn't find it in myself to stay away from this girl. As I stopped at a red light, I subconsciously looked over at her form that was staring out of the window. Her face held a small smile as her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. A honk startled me, causing me to look away to see that the light was now green. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lauren look at me in confusion but she didn't question it.

I waved to the person behind me as a sorry before I started driving once more. It was relatively quiet on the way to the studio but it wasn't awkward at all. I pulled into a parking spot and helped Lauren get out of the car before we headed into the building. It was chaotic as always but I walked with ease, Lauren struggling behind me. I stopped and had to prevent myself from laughing at the lost look on her face. It would take a while for her to get used to everything still. The place was huge.

With a smile on my face, I stepped back so I could reach down and grab Lauren's hand. Sparks flowed through my veins at the touch as I reveled in the softness of her hand. Lauren hesitantly looked up at me while her hand tightened on mine. I softly tugged it to get her to follow me as I led her towards Ally's office. I made sure to walk slowly so Lauren could look around and familiarize herself with the place. When we reached the short Texan's office, Lauren was still looking around with fascination in her eyes. She looked so beautiful.

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