I look at him in confusion, when it dawns on me. I push him aside, he doesn't budge instead I fall flat on my butt. He stands laughing at me. He then gives me his hand which I diligently choose to ignore and push myself up, failing to rise and succeeding to fall again. After a few attempts I give up and look up at Ashton with my puppy dog eyes and pout. He looks at me in amusement, shakes his head and proceeds to give me his hand.

"Next time don't ridicule skating." He says as he takes my hand.

"Well look around you, they are all kids." I say sweeping my hand around the rink.

"I see one kid in the entire rink." He deadpans.

"Really? They all look like kids to me." I state as I skate away from him. Remember what people tell you about learn from your mistakes? Well I did nothing of the sort because I fell flat on my butt, again.

"This time I'm not helping you up." Ashton says as he skates away backwards, sticking his tongue out at me. He bangs into the kid and falls down.

"Ha! Serves you right for abandoning me." I laugh, as a guy comes and gives me his hand.

"Thanks." I say as I try to skate again. Falling, again.

"Do you want help?" The guy who helped me up asks.

"Yes please." I reply, putting my ego aside. Actually, my ego would only get hurt if Ashton helps me. I have a pride to protect.

He takes a hold of my right hand and leads me as he instructs me to drag one feet after the other. I don't do it as elegantly as him in fact, I was shuffling around in one spot.

"No don't do it like that, push your feet forward and put your body weight to it." He instructs.

"I got it." I shout in glee as I do as he instructed.

"So, guy who helped me up how did you learn how to skate?" I ask.

"My dad used to bring me here when I was a kid." He says, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "He's busy with work these days so he can't come here anymore."

"Remember that he's working really hard to get you the comforts he never had and to make sure you get the best of everything." I say, remembering what mum used to tell me when I complained as dad started coming home late.

"I guess but I miss him." He says as he guides me around the rink.

"You'll find yourself valuing your dad more because now the moments to cherish are limited." I smile down at him and he smiles back.

"Ready to go on your own?" He asks, loosening his grip on my hand.

I tighten my hold on him. "Never in a million years. Guy who helped me up, you can't do this to me."

"Are you going to keep calling me that? I have a name. It's-" I put my hand up, cutting him short.

"Names cause familiarity and I don't want to feel bad for not meeting someone I'm familiar with so if we meet again, tell me then."

"You're weird." He says.

"It's called unique." I state.

"Okay, I'm letting go now but I'll be there right behind you. To catch you if you fall." To catch you if you fall. The words echo in my head as I think of the time Harry told me that.

"I don't like letting go." I say with a quiver in my voice.

"Hey, look at me." Guy who helped me up says. "Sometimes we have to let go to move on, to attain our goals. Because if something is holding us back, it will either drag or slow us down. So just take a deep breath and and let go." The guy who helped me up has no idea he made a lot of sense in my life. I hug him and close my eyes, conjuring the pain, the fears and the tears I shed. Once it all came back to me, I took a deep breath and let go. Of the pain, holding on the good times, the memories both good and bad, accepting his death, realizing he taught me a lot, he got me put of my shell, he taught me to be free and he taught me to spread smiles. He taught me a lot of things but most importantly he taught me to be selfless. I open my eyes and start skating.

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