Chapter Sïxty-Sëvëñ: McDøñålds

Start from the beginning


Zoey sat in the chair and waited for the guy to prep his ink. He scooted his chair over and Zoey moved her hair away from behind her ear as he started to tattoo her. It hurt just as much as the Twenty-one pilots logo did behind her other ear. This time, she was getting an alien head wearing a snapback. It was gonna be so sick and she couldn't wait for Josh to see it.

45 minutes later she was done and on the way back to the venue. She was walking along the pavement when someone tapped her shoulder. Zoey turned around to see Jake. "Hey Zee." He waved acting as if they were best buds. Zoey swallowed and nodded. "Hi." She crossed her arms. It was silent. She turned around to keep walking. "Hey wait up!" He sped up behind her. "Where you heading?" He asked walking with her. Zoey gripped her arms as she lowered her head avoiding eye contact. "To Josh. He's expecting me. He's got a show tonight." She told him. "Oh nice nice." He nodded. They were quiet as he continued walking with her.

Jake glanced at her ear. "You have a tattoo?" He asked. "I have several." She said in a cold tone. Jake nodded. "Weren't you supposed to move?" She asked. "I did. My cousin is pregnant so I came down to help." He explained. Zoey rolled her eyes. "Can we talk ab-" "No. I don't wanna talk about anything. Nothing." "Look I'm on meds now-" "And? Is that supposed to help me?? It took you almost killing me to realize you needed them?" She snapped back. Jake was quiet. "I guess it did." His voice low. "Well you can fuck off right now. I'd rather walk alone at night than with you." Zoey cut him a look. "Suit yourself." Jake sucked his teeth and slowed down as she sped ahead.

Zoey crossed the road quickly and headed inside the venue. She was watching the hot topic Snapchats. Its was Gabbie from thegabbieshow. Oh I love her. Zoey smiled. She couldn't help but notice she was a little touchy with Josh. Zoey brushed it off telling herself it was just her personality. Gabbie seemed to be a very outgoing person. The more she thought about it the louder the voices got and the more her insecurities got the best of her. It hadn't help seeing Jake. Zoey didn't feel right anymore.

As she walked down the hallway she opened the door to see them filming a video. It didn't bother Zoey until Gabbie put her hand on Josh's neck. It was just like that, something snapped in Zoey. Seeing Josh's uncomfortable look and her hand shaking, Zoey threw down her phone. Jordan somehow caught it before it hit him. "Get your fucking hands off my husbands neck." Zoey ripped her hand from his throat. "Whoa calm down!" Gabbie raised her brows. "Who told you that it was okay to choke him?! To touch his throat like that?!" Zoey got in her face. "It was a joke!" She yelled back. Zoey grabbed her throat gently and shook her hand. "Get the hell off me!" Gabbie pushed her. "Oh what's wrong? Its just a joke. Dont you like it!?" Zoey pushed her back. "Zoey dont." Josh didn't know how to react. He'd never seen her like this before. Josh stood in between them trying to calm Zoey down. "Baby I'm fine.-" "You need to get your crazy wife." She scoffed. Zoey tried pushing through Josh. "Stop!" He held her back. Gabbie rolled her eyes and laughed. "Stupid." She said. Something sparked again in Zoey and she pushed through Josh.

Zoey was now on top of Gabbie, ripping at her hair. She went to punch her when Josh grabbed her fists. "Zoey stop baby!" He grabbed her waist. He pried her off but not before Zoey could kick her chin nearly knocking her out. Jordan ran over and grabbed Zoey's feet. "Let me go!!" She screamed. Gabbie stood up and held her jaw in shock. "Don't you ever touch him again!!" Zoey screamed more. Just then security walked in. They let go of Zoey. Before anyone could say anything she ran out. "Z-Zoey!" Josh called out.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Josh asked Gabbie. "Yeah I'm fine. What the hell is her problem?" She glared. "Well, considering you had your hand on my throat when she walked in. What would you do if you saw your husband like that?" Josh defended his wife. Gabbie stayed silent. "Listen, I'm really really sorry about that and I had fun but, I need to go to her." Josh apologized again. "Yeah yeah. Good luck tonight." She said before Josh ran out.

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