Chapter Thïrtëëñ: Cärñïväl Rïdës

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A few days went by. Tyler and Jenna had went back to Ohio for now.

Josh was making breakfast while checking his social media. He noticed Zoey was more active on it lately. In fact he noticed a lot about her lately. She seemed genuinely happier ever since they talked. Like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. It filled Josh with joy to see her doing so well.

As he began eating he went through Zoey's Facebook. He smiled at her favorite quote. "Stay Alive |-/" it read. Josh went through her photos. Scrolling back and seeing her past. She hasn't posted a lot of pictures in the last couple years. And then he stubbed upon a certain picture. It was Zoey and Zeke. She seemed so happy.

Josh snickered as he saved some of her old pictures.

👽Spooky💚: o
👽Spooky💚: m
👽Spooky💚: g

👸Zoe👑: what? R u ok?

👽Spooky💚: *photo* FETUS

Zoey looked at the picture closer. "Oh my god." She freaked. It was a picture of her from sophomore year.

👸Zoe👑: where did u get that!?

👽Spooky💚: no where
👽Spooky💚: *photo* u were so cute. Omg

👸Zoe👑: nooooo where r u finding these?! That's from middle school stawp. 😱 and "were" cute? So I'm ugly now??

👽Spooky💚: shhhhh and nonono I didn't mean that!! Ur still cute! ❤❤❤

👸Zoe👑: WHERE!?!! And Ik I just wanted u to say it. 😂

👽Spooky💚: totally not from fb. And oh..
👽Spooky💚: well u r 😊

👸Zoe👑: ur going through my fb? Ur such a creep lol and thanks. 😊

👽Spooky💚: I'm not creepy. I'm spooky. 😉

👸Zoe👑: ...
👸Zoe👑: goodbye 👋

👽Spooky💚: no come back!
👽Spooky💚: baby come back
👽Spooky💚: u can blame it all on Tyler
👽Spooky💚: zooeeyyyy

👸Zoe👑: I'm Dun with u.

👽Spooky💚: rly lol I see what u did there

👸Zoe👑: 😏😏😂

👽Spooky💚: hey I hear there's this carnival coming up.

👸Zoe👑: yeah. What about it?

👽Spooky💚: wanna come with me?

👸Zoe👑: when is it?

👽Spooky💚: like tomorrow.

👸Zoe👑: I'm in. XD

👽Spooky💚: sick! Its a date.
👽Spooky💚: no wait its not a date
👽Spooky💚: I mean unless u want it to be
👽Spooky💚: its ok if u dont
👽Spooky💚: sry
👽Spooky💚: u there?
👽Spooky💚: zoey.
👽Spooky💚: ok its not a date I'm sry talk to me

👸Zoe👑: what? Sry lol Alina was trying to go to the bathroom in my closest so I dropped my phone to stop her and ended up losing it.

👽Spooky💚: glad u found it lol

👸Zoe👑: ur a dork

👽Spooky💚: what?

👸Zoe👑: a date it is then. 😊

👽Spooky💚: awesome!

👸Zoe👑: just to warn u. I'm not big on heights. They freak me out. O.o

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