Chapter Førty-Øñë: Thë Ïñtërvïëw

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Tomorrow was Zoey's interview. She still hasn't painted her canvas. Zoey even locked herself in the room with it for 24 hours. Nothing. Zoey sighed in frustration. "Why is this so hard?" She yelled. Zoey finally left. "Hey you okay?" Lily asked. "No. I fucking give up." Zoey plopped onto the couch. "You can't give up." Lily frowned. "This is your dream." She said. "I can't do it! My mind goes blank just like the canvas. I can't focus and I can't breathe. I'm struggling so hard and I'm gonna ruin my chance and interview." Zoey covered her face with a pillow. "Really? You're just gonna give up?" Lily stood up. "I might as well." Zoey sighed looking at her. "After everything Josh AND Tyler went through to get you this? You're just gonna throw a fit and give up? What would Josh think? Do you think he gave up on his dream? Tyler's? Imagine where they'd be if they did. You really wanna quit? Do that to yourself?" Lily crossed her arms. "No.." Zoey looked at her. "Then get up. Zoey you can do this. Don't let your stress get you. Go take a walk. Listen to music. Find some inspo." Lily pulled her up. Zoey smirked. "You're right." She smiled. Lily hugged her. Zoey hugged her back. "Now get your ass out there and find your muse." Lily pointed at the door smiling.

Zoey slipped on her flip flops and headed out. She walked down the street admiring the trees. I could do fall? No not original. Everyone does that. Zoey questioned. "Something that screams me." She said. 30 minutes turned into 50 which turned into two hours. Walking and walking. Zoey turned her music up. Just then Josh called. "Hello?" She answered. "Heyy." He said. "Hey Spook." She smiled. "Did you finish it yet?" He asked. "Nope. Not even started." She sighed. "Oh baby." Josh frowned. "I can't find any inspiration. I've been walking for hours now." Zoey explained. "Hours? Is Lily with you?" His voice sounded tense. "Nah." She shrugged. "You're alone?" She heard him moving around. "I'm fine Josh. I've walked by myself a lot." She laughed. "But I'm not there. What if something happens? You're all by yourself." The sound of a door opened on his end. "Josh it'll be okay babe. I'll head home if I don't feel safe and call Lily. Promise." Zoey smiled. "You swear?" He asked. "I swear Josh." Zoey grinned. Josh sighed a bit in relief. "Where are you now?" He asked. "Just passed your place." She laughed. "Oh." He snickered. "That's a long way. Please be careful." He pouted. "I will." She snickered. "Is it nice out?" He asked. "Yeah. You?" She asked. "A little chilly." Josh told her. "Coat. Don't get sick." He could just feel her wagging her finger at the phone. "I do wear it." He laughed. "Good! Also I saw you in your beanie." She said. "Oh?" He snickered. "Yeah Twitter stuff with fans. You look so cute!!" She giggled. "Yeah?" He blushed. "My Lil beanie baby!" Zoey bit her lip smiling. Josh laughed and blushed. "I'm wearing it right now to be honest." He told her. Zoey gasped. "Skype?" He asked. "Skype!" She hung up.

Josh laughed and called her. "Ahhhh!! You are!!" Zoey fangirled. Josh grinned big. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just love beanies and you're so cute in them and ahhh." She smiled. She could see Josh blushing as he smiled. "Blushy beanie baby." She snickered. Josh blew her a kiss. Zoey blew one back. "You're such a dork. A cute one. With a beanie." She said. "Why thank you." He nodded and laughed. Josh leaned on his hand watching her walk. She was so beautiful. "I can't wait to see you after." He smiled warmly. "Me too." She bit her lip. "I'm never gonna let you go." He snickered. "You won't have too." She smiled as her pink hair blew in the breeze. Josh's heart skipped a beat looking at her smile. The sun shined on it perfectly illuminating that smile he oh so adored.

Josh had to eventually go and Zoey started walking back. It was now evening time. She'd been out several hours. Still nothing.

"Pour your heart into it.."

Josh's voice played in her head. Zoey stopped in her tracks. My heart? She thought looking down. My heart onto the canvas? Zoey questioned. Suddenly she looked forward. Her eyes widened. She knew what to do. Zoey ran as fast as she could back to the apartment. Her head flowing with ideas.

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