Chapter 6- Homecoming, Or Should I Say Disater Day

Start from the beginning

As dumb as it sounds, I've always felt safest there. The owner of the place was like a second mother to me, she always gave me free ice cream and a pep talk whenever I needed it.
It was hours until I could finally get myself to go in and tell her. I slowly walked Into the store, looking for Rita but she wasn't there. I came face to face with Tyler instead. "Where's Rita? And what the hell are you doing here?" I question bluntly, he chuckles.

"She just left. And I work here now, anything I can help you with?"

"No. I just needed to talk to Rita about something important-"

"Rita just left on business, she said something about the shop being under new management and difficulties with it-"

"What? New management? She can't do that! She can't sell this place! I grew up here! Great this is the last piece of information I need today." More tears fall down my face, I have to stop crying.

Crying is for the weak.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I wipe away my tears and snap at him. "Why would I talk about it with you? You haven't shown any interest in being my friend until Jadon wanted me. You're no better than Brianna on her big ass petistal! You guys think you can walk in and say and do everything that you want but you're wrong. Crying is for the weak and I'm not weak." I storm out but he follows.

"Where are you going?"

"To pick up your sister. Don't you have a game to go to or something?" I snap, he shrugs. "Eh football isn't really my thing, I'm going to go for lacrosse again this year, try to make captain."

"Good for you. I'm trying out for the play, probably won't get a role because Brianna gets all the good ones but the least I can do is try. I need a distraction from my stupid life and if that means going to a football game tonight then so be it." I get into my car and drove off to Sara's school.
"Lily!" Sara runs into my arms, I smile. "Hi Sara, how was your day?"

"My day was great! Why are you sad?" She asks bluntly, I put on a fake smile and shake my head. "I'm not sad sweetheart, why would you say that?"

"Because you are crying. My mommy looked like that when my baby brother went to heaven, we never even got to meet him." I had no idea that they were trying to have another kid.

"So what's bothering you?" She questions, I chuckle. She's very bright for a six year old.

"My mom passed away-"

"Say no more! I am gonna make you happy today! Mission make Lily happy is a go!" I smile, she giggles. "See, it's already working!"

"Okay well what are you planning for this mission?" I question, she giggles. "That will ruin the surprise Lily. Lets go to Sage's house, I can talk to her brother about helping me. I got this!" She replies excitedly.

Once we got to Sage's, Sara couldn't stop smiling. "Hello ladies!" Sage's brother Matthew says while swinging open the door.

"Hey Matt, is Sage around?" He nods and points upstairs, I smile. "Thanks-"

"I need you for something so lets go!" Sara pulls him into the backyard, he chuckles. "Sage!" I call out while running upstairs to her room.

I smile when I see her dancing and singing with her headphones in. It was like that typical scene you see in the movies where the best friend catches the other doing something that they think is dumb.

"It's not what you think!" She shouts, her face turning red, I laugh. "Don't worry I won't tell." I shout back as she takes out her headphones.

"So what's up? Did you get off babysitting duty?" She questions excitedly, I shake my head. "No but she's talking to Matt right now. She sent herself on some sort of mission to make me happy and she won't tell me what she's planning." She chuckles.

"Why would she want to make you happy? I thought you were pretty happy." I look down and sigh. "I told her what happened today-"

"What did happen? Jadon said you left upset." She questions, I push the the tear that fell loose off my face. "I found out that my mother's death wasn't an accident... it was a suicide." A tear falls down her face, she pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Lily, that must have been so hard for you and Bri. Whatever it is that Sara is planning, I am in. You have had so many things happen to you and you deserve to be happy." She runs out of her room and I follow curiously.

"Where are you going?" I question, she doesn't answer, instead she walks into the backyard. "Whatever you're planning, I'm in."

Who knew that those words later on would lead to so much?

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