chapter 62

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             Emily's Pov

Yesterday was the best night ever, me and Alison sorted things out and we made love. I'm the happiest when I'm with  Alison she makes me feel complete. I look at her and think I've so lucky to have a beautiful gf like her, who is caring and kind everything you want. I go downstairs making us breakfast taking it back upstairs to her.

Em ." Ali baby wake up we are going to be late for school "

Ali ." My head is hurting I drunk too much last night thank you for the food Em "

Em ". It's okay you being drunk while having sex was so hot I'm still a bit Horny now "

Ali. "Your always Horny me Em always" I wink at her sweetly" we better get off to school "

Em ". Yeah we better Hanna text me and said about us going shopping tonight if your up for it ? "

Ali ." Yeah I am maybe we can go cinema after and who knows how about the kissing rock ?"

Em ." Just me and you though because that's our special place remember "

Ali . I smike at how sweet she is "I know I can never forget that "

We get to school kissing each other goodbye. As she goes into class I see Cece coming towards me I try my best and hide but she notices me.

Cece ." What are you looking at?" I push her hard against the locker

Em ." Ouch I rub my arm what was that for ? "

Cece . "I want you to show me what you got fight me Em? "

Em ". I don't want to fight you "

Cece ." Are you scared of me ? "

Em . "No I'm not"
I lie to her

Cece . "Better watch your back Em"

I walk of to class and sit at the back, thinking to myself  about me and Cece. When is she going to stop I don't like how she's being towards me she terrifies me. The bell goes off for lunch and I sit around the table with the girls I feel Ali stroking up and down my leg.

Em." Ali if you keep doing that your going to get punished later your getting me wet "

Ali . "I'll do what I want Em im a bad girl"
I tracing my fingers up and down her leg

Hanna . "Oh Cece is coming tonight girls "

Ali." Oh is she ? Oh great" I look over at em and she her facial expression has changed  I asked if she's okay?

Em ". Yeah I've got to go to swimming practice I'll see you after I'll drive "

I dash off and changed into my swimming stuff. I sit by the water then the door opens quickly i panic getting up.

Em ". Paige you scared me then"

Paige ". Oh did I? I'm sorry I guess you've sorted things out with Alison now ?"

Em ". Yeah we are good now Paige I owe you a apology for kissing you although me and Alison wasn't together I shouldn't of used you like that "

Paige ." Yeah just don't do it again feelings are real Emily remember that "

Em . "I know and I'm sorry want to race then ? "

Paige ". Okay go "she beats me again and I pretend to be upset

Em." I win I'll see you around Paige "

I quickly dry myself off  then hurry to meet the girls. I see Cece is with them and start feeling nervous instantly.

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