Chapter 8

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            Emily's Pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. Its one of them moments where you can't be bothered getting out of bed. I have to make my flight to New York today. I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's summer holidays now and I can't wait. I'm going to have so much fun with the girls. I just hope me and Ali will be okay.  I get up and get dressed and brush my teeth and have a shower. And go stairs with my suitcase.

(E) "mum I'm off now see you Monday I love you "

(P)" okay sweetheart text me when land stay safe and stick together with the girls don't separate "

(E) "I laugh okay mum see ya and bye taffy I give him a cuddle goodbye make sure you look after him. "

I leave for the airport I'm meeting the girls there. I'm so nervous I hate flying it's one of my biggest fears.  I'll just try and sleep on the plane and put my music on that always calms me down.

        Alisons Pov

I'm packing my things and if you could see what I'm packing you would think I'm going away for years.  I've got so many shoes in my bad I'm a typical girl. I know the girls are going to moan how much I've packed. Emily sent me a friend request on Facebook last night. I left it i didn't know what to do about it. A part of me wants to accept and the other part is thinking leave it. Why can't I ever make up my mind about stuff?  I'm such a confusing person.

     No one's Pov

We all arrive at the airport at the same time and meet each other at the Costa Coffee. We all get a hot chocolate and start drinking. We also get some food and just sit chatting about New York we will get off at JFK airport.

(E) "I'm so nervous about flying girls I'm not a huge fan "

(A)" oh come on em don't be such a baby she says laughing "

H) "stop being mean Ali she's scared "

(S) "you can sit with me and Hanna if you want to Emily "

(E) 'yeah okay Spencer thank you" i say smiling at her

(A) "come on let's go "

The wait seems so long. We are just all on our phones hanna is talking to Caleb on the phone Spencer is playing a game on her phone Aria is shopping In the airport.  I'm looking at Alison every few seconds. She keeps noticing too. Talk about awkward I don't know what to say to her how to break the ice. I want to lean in her arms but I'm too scared to ask.

After a few hours of waiting we hear our flight number come up and JFK airport and we gather our things and go to the gates.

(E) "I'm so scared" I say making my way to my seat

(H) "don't be we will support you its going to be okay promise "

(E) "thanks hanna I say looking out the window feeling my heart go faster and my hands sweating "

S) "yo emily relax you've got me and Hanna beside you she smiles "

Aria and Alison are sitting in front of us alison is looking out the window. As the planes starts to leave the ground. I've got my head on the table in front of me just closing my eyes focusing on my breathing.

A)" Hey Spencer can we swop places please ? "

S) "oh but I've just got settled now do we have to ? "

A) 'yeah we do now move she says laughing "

(S) "wait until we are allowed to take our seat belts off then we will swop places "

(A) 'fine but I won't forget she says smiling "

I hear what's going on. Then as soon as we are allowed to take our seat belts off I hear Alison beside me.

(A)" Hey em are you okay now she says putting her arm around me rubbing my back "

(E) "yeah I'm okay thanks just not a good flyer that's all "

(A) "let's watch a film a film together em just relax "

I smile and watch a film with Ali. She grabs hold my hands and watches the film with me. Hanna is sleeping beside me. I don't know how people sleep on a plane.

(A)" do you want a drink or anything em my treat "

(E) "no thank you Ali I think the plane is having a bit of turbulence at the moment "

(A)" it's fine em relax if you ignore it then it will go away "

(E) "okay I'll try my best to "i say smiling at her nervously

We contine watching a film and then we are disturb by Hanna.

(H) 'I'm so hungry what are you both watching? "

E) "Gladiator "

A) 'yeah not my choice of film but I'll Watch it for em as she's scared at the moment "

H)" I see you two have made up now she looks down noticing we are holding hands "

(A)" be quiet Hanna your disturbing our film I notice Emily's cheeks going a bit red "

We finally land  I'm so comfort on Alisons shoulder. I could fall asleep but I want to get back to the hotel. and fall asleep with alison but I know that won't happen.

We see the city view from the airport. "wow it's amazing" we hold our hand out for a yellow taxi.  and we pile in with Spencer in the front and me Aria Alison and Hanna at the back its like a big mini taxi.

        Emily's POV

We are in the taxi on the way to the hotel New York looks beautiful . We are going over the bridge I can see buildings all lit up and cars everywhere. I look at Alison looking out of the window and I grab her hand and smile at her.  She smiles back stroking my arm up and down. 

    No one's Pov

We arrive at the hotel and we've got a big family room with 3 single beds and one double bed. We have a fridge the room is really cosy with a massive shower and a bath.

H) "I'm hungry can we eat now ?"

We all just start laughing.

(E) "we can go out now and have a look around if you all want to "

We all agree and go out and look at things in Times Square.

(E) "McDonald's over there for you hanna if you want some food"

(H) "yes anything I don't care I'm starving "

We get in McDonald's and eat we are all eating on a circle table. Alison plays with my foot underneath and winks at me. I just smile at her and blush. I'm so happy we've made up as we finish eating. We go round all different shops and the M@M shop it's massive. I can't believe it we spend half and hour shopping, then go back to the hotel.

(H) "who's sleeping where I'm so tired"

(Aria ) "let Ali and Emily take the big bed and we take the singles "

S) "okay but no funny noises you two "

E) "I smirk and throw a pillow be quiet Spencer "

Everyone is asleep and I'm laying on my back with Alisons back to me I say whispering.

(E ) "ali are you asleep? "

She doesn't say a word and turns to me I lean in and kiss her using our tongues. She sort of gets on top of me. We contine kissing until she pulls away and rest her head on my chest. Wow what was that.? I can't believe I had the confidence to do that I think to myself falling asleep with Alison in my arms.

There you have it a bit of Emison for you guys, and that's not all of it either. Keep reading to find out more. :) Thanks to those who are voting on my story, and taking the time to read it too.

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