chapter 44

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I wake up naked with Alison still in my arms asleep, She's so beautiful when she asleep like a beautiful angel. I get up slowly trying my hardest not to wake her. I go towards the kitchen throwing on my boxers and sports bra. I start cooking breakfast for us both by the time I'm finished Ali is awake.

Ali ... "hey baby where did you go?  I missed you "

Emily.". I made us some breakfast and our favourite Tofu "

Ali ..." Em Your so cute thank you "

Emily.. "anything for my girl"

Ali .." last night was mind blowing your "

Emily..." you looked hot riding my pussy and strap on "

Ali .." and  you looked sexy when I was on top of you "

Emily.". let's go to the mountains today and maybe some skinny dipping later on by the lake ?"

Ali .".  sounds good let's shower first "

We both have a shower barely keeping our hands of each other. we stop as it will delay more time. We get dressed and brush our teeth. I look at my phone and see a text from Hanna.

Emily where are you? Are you with Ali?

None of your business where I am I'll see you Monday xxx

Ali.. "Who's that babe?"

Emily ... "just Hanna asking where I am I didn't tell her "

Ali .." we can tell them on Monday I don't want us to be a secret I want everyone to know your mine "

Emily.." so glad you said that because I don't want us to be a secret "

Ali.. I kiss her on the lips "are you ready to go ? "

Emily.. "yeah but I'm driving you drove last night "

Ali .. "fine I'll let you "
i say smiling at her as we both get in the car

We drive for 20 minutes talking about stuff laughing at stuff.

Ali ... "look at the beautiful view"

Emily.. "not as beautiful as you"
i say looking at her im gonna park up somewhere we can have a look around

We both get out of the car at the top of the mountain looking down at view hand in hand.

Ali .". Em will you promise me you will love me forever and never cheat on me "

Emily.". I promise to love you forever ill never cheat on you and always look after you i kiss her on the lips
And your never cheat "

Ali.." never ever would I hurt you i could of easily slept with someone else them two days we broke up but I didn't you know why I didn't because I love you "

Emily.. "your so cute Ali "I smile at her hey your shivering I take off my hoodie and put it around her "wear it" i say

Ali.. "thank you Em your so caring "

Emily .". as I said I'll always look after you forever "

Ali .." you make me so happy you know "

Emily.. "I'm glad I make you happy" I smile at her "your blue eyes look so beautiful like the ocean "

Ali .." stop it your making me go shy"

Emily" it's the first time I've heard you say that "

Ali .." says you em you can't even look at me for a minute "

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