chapter 16

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           Emily's Pov

Me and Alison get back to the camp to see Hanna's friends with Aria and Spencer. I feel uncomfortable already because I don't know them. I don't know if I can trust them. To be honest i only like it When it's just us girls together.I couldn't exactly say no to her because ,I would of looked really mean and selfish of me.

They introduce themselves to me and Ali. We are both sitting down by the camp fire together, eating food and drinking beer.

(Amber) "so hey girls what's your names?  and nice to meet you both "

Ali) "nice to meet you too she says smiling at her im Ali and she's Emily looking at me "

Emily) " so how long are you guys here? Anyway never heard Hanna mention you before ? "

NoeL " are you like British or something? you've got a accent "looking at me weirdly

Emily: "yes I'm British" I say looking straight at him

Noel) "I don't like British people "

Emily: "well we are going to get on great aren't we" I say with a tone rolling my eyes

Hanna:" okay enough you two anways I love the Brits there accents are so hot "

Noel "Whatever Hanna he says sharply so blondie looking at Alison where are you from ?"

Alison:: "I'm from Rosewood and you ? "

Noel ) "I'm from Los Angeles" He says smiling at her

Alison:: "wow I've always wanted to go there apparently it's really nice there "

Noel) "yeah it is awesome you should come some time" he says winking at Alison

I sit there listening to there conversation. Trying my hardest not to get jealous but I am I'm so jealous. I get interrupted by my thoughts by Amber.

Amber:: "so how's your queen Em? "

Emily: "how would I know ?I don't know her personally "I say looking down at the floor fiddling with my phone

Amber : "well since your British" I thought you would know

Emily: "well I don't" I say sharply

Hanna: "right who wants to play a game guys ? "

They all say "yes might as well"and we start playing games.

Emily "which one now shall we play ?"

"Truth or dare Aria says "

Hannah : "okay Spencer I dare you to kiss Noel"

Spencer " okay" she goes up to him and snogs him

Spencer: "I dare Emily to give Cece a lap dance "

I look at Alison straight away and her face doesn't look happy.

Emily " I can't do it I'm sorry" looking down feeling nervous

Alison " Em it's okay honestly I know Cece  is straight just do it" she says rolling her eyes

Emily-" fine okay as long as your sure" I say I go up to Cece and give her a lap dance not touching her at all though

I sit back down. I try and hold Alison's hand but she pulls her hand away from me. She doesn't make no contact with me. I go quiet straight away I hate it when people are mad at me.

Amber:: "I dare alison to give Noel a lap dance "she says laughing

Ali: "too easy my pleasure "she makes no contact with me and gives him a lap dance then sits back down still not looking at me

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