chapter 51

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               Emily's Pov

I wake up on the sofa still thinking about last night, and how amazing It was. I also feel sad because Dan and Hayley are going home today. I will go in school late and drop them off at the Airport. I get up brushing my teeth and taking a shower waking everyone up at the same time.

Dan .. "I wish we didn't have to go "

Emily.." me too have you guys got everything you need ? "

Hayley.." did you pack our phone chargers ?"

Dan .." yeah I did I'm all prepared "

Hayley.". thanks for letting us stay Pam "

Dan . "Yeah thank you its been amazing "

Pam .." anytime it's been a pleasure "

Emily.. "I'll be back in a bit mum "

It takes about half to drive to the Airport it's a comfortable silence.

Dan .." right okay we are going to love you and leave you then "

Hayley.. "thanks for everything Em "

Dan .. "we will miss you "

Emily.. "okay don't set me off crying i hate saying goodbyes  come here guys"

We all cuddle saying our goodbyes. On the way home I turn up the radio trying to distract myself. I get to school at lunch time I see the girls sat around a table and join them.

Emily.." Hey girls "

Hanna .. "hey Em you okay? "

Emily.". yeah kind of just dropped Dan and Hayley off at the airport "

Spencer.." aww your see them again soon Em don't worry "

Aria .." so you  coming tonight then? "

Emily.. "where to exactly? "

Spencer .. "sleep over at mine ?"

Emily.." yeah sure has anyone seen Alison ? "

Hanna.. "yeah she was with Noel last time I checked "

Emily.. "oh right hope she's okay "

Hanna. "Em Cece is coming tonight? "

Emily.". oh really she scares me "

Spencer.." why ? "

Emily.$. I don't know I just find her scary that's all "

Hanna .. "omg I'm so telling her that "

Emily.". don't Hanna please I'm not in the mood today for jokes "

I go to my locker and bump into alison and Noel.

Emily.. "hey Ali are you coming tonight to the sleepover at Spencer's ?"

Ali .." maybe why are you ? and where were you today ?I was worried about you "

Emily. "I dropped my Dan and Hayley off I thought you knew sorry"

Ali .. "no i don't know anyways I'm going to class I'll see you later "

Emily.. "yeah see you later Ali "

Everyone seems to be acting strange today. I get to class not really acknowledging what's going on, I've got so many stuff going through my head right now.

I see the girls outside school and we arrange to meet at Spencer's around 7.  I go to swim practice then head over to Spencer's.

Emily.. "Who's brought the Alcohol then ? "

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