chapter 46

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    Alison's Pov

I had the perfect weekend with Emily just me and her was perfect.  I'm really in love with her so in love that I'm scared I've never felt like this towards anyone before. Emily has taught me how to love with kindness and perfection. She brings out the best in me. Tonight I'm going to come out to my mum, I'm hoping it goes well if it doesn't then I'll have to deal with it but fingers crossed it does.

I get out of bed brushing my teeth and getting my clothes on. I realise the time then drive to school just about making it in time. I see Emily already in class so I sit next to her.

Emily.. "hey Ali "
i smile at her

Ali.. "hey Em have you spoken to Hanna today ? "

Emily.." no I haven't I'm going to try at lunch "

The bell goes for lunch and we walk hand in hand trying to look for Hanna and the others. we find them sitting on the table.

Ali .." hey Hanna are you okay?"

Hanna ..". just don't talk to me guys really I mean it "
i pick up my tray and sit somewhere else

Emily.." woah is she really that mad at us ? "

Aria ... "actually yeah she is you both just go away and don't tell us it's like your both not part of our group anymore "

Spencer.. "yeah we did try and text you both and call you guys but neither of you answered was a bit rude of you both "

Ali .". we didn't mean anything by it though we just wanted some time alone together sure you  can understand "

Spencer.." well you could of told us but the same Alison always leaving us all in the dark "

Ali .." what's that suppose to mean ?" Raising my voice slightly

Emily.." okay guys enough look Spencer don't just blame Ali it was my fault too can't we just make up ? We are both sorry "

Spencer.." actually no Em we can't just make up we are all upset with you both "

Aria .." come on Spencer let's go and eat with Hanna "

Emily.." don't worry Ali they will come around soon probably should just involve them more"

Ali .." yeah Em I know but we should be able to spend time with each other they should understand we are a couple "

Emily.". Ali I know just don't get yourself upset everything will be okay we've still got each other"
I put my hand on hers

Ali .. "yeah your right Em"
I look up and see pigskin in the corridor I'll be right back

I go towards the corridor leaving Emily.

Ali .". oi pigskin what are you doing trying to kiss my girl?"
I push her against the lockers

Paige .. "what's the problem? she didn't even kiss me back anyway leave me alone "

Ali ..' no I won't leave you alone you stay away from Emily she's Mine and if I hear again you've come onto her it will be more next time "

Paige .."yeah whatever Alison she loves you or are you too stupid to realise that "

Ali.." just go before I do something I regret"
I fold my arms and give her a glare

Emily.." what just happened Ali? "

Ali .." nothing I just had to sort something out that's all. its all good now come on let's go to class "

Emily.." okay then Is everything okay though ? "

Ali .' It is now yeah I see Hanna walking past "hey Hanna "

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