chapter 59

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           Emily's Pov

I haven't spoken to Alison for a few days ,it feels weird. I'm angry at her for not believing me , she believed Cece over me someone who she barely knew which is fine .However  people are going to notice a big change in me. I'm going to flirt around with girls sleep around with who ever I want I don't give a dam anymore about anything or anyone. I've gone past the point of even caring about anything to be honest.

I get to school late as I've stated I don't care about much anymore. I go to my lockers grabbing my stuff that I need and go to class.

Miss Harrison. " Your late Emily "

Emily.. "yeah so and what ?"

Miss Harrison .."don't you dare use that tone with me go to the principals office immediately "

Emily.  "Your wish Is my command "

I storm out of lesson siting on the seats outside the principles office, his already told me to go come in several times but I'm not taking any of it his just told me I'm expelled that's fantastic news.

I go to lunch and see the girls sitting on the table eating there lunch.

Spencer.  "Hey Em are you okay ?"

Em.. "oh marvellous things couldn't be better "
i say sarcastically

Hanna ." Cheer up Em things will be okay "

Aria ." I miss Emison "

Em ." What's Emison? come on Aria stop being stupid "

Aria '. Em what's got into you?"

Em. "Hmm nothing I'm perfectly fine"

Ali ." Hey girls "

Spencer. " Hey Ali did you enjoy the other night ?"

Ali . "I did yeah this guy I'm seeing right he gave it to me good and proper "

Em . 'Right I'm off byeee"

Ali. "What's her problem?"

Aria ." I don't know but she's acting really weird "

Ali. "Maybe I  can sort that out "

Hanna.  "Yeah speak to her Ali she listens to you only to you in fact "

I go to my locker getting my swimming stuff out, and see Cece approaching me.

Cece ." What are you staring at ? "

Em ." I wasn't staring at you i swear "

Cece . "Whatever you would love to have a peice of me "

Em ." Actually no i wouldn't"
I fold my arms

Cece . "Everyone wants a peice of me if  you keep arguing with me I will bring you down so bad "

Em ." Okay fair enough I got to go "
i say walking away fast

I get changed into my swimming stuff then I hear someone else in the pool

Em ". Oh hey Paige "

Paige . "Hey you coming in ? "

Em . "Yeah I am want to race me then ? "

Paige '. Yeah sure 1 2 3 go "

Em." Yessssssss I win you lose whoo hooo "

Paige. "Not fair sorry about you and Alison "

Em. " Alison who ? "

Paige. " Ohhh she's hurt you that bad has she ? "

Em." I don't want to talk about Ali or Emison whatever today is a new me "

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