Chapter 3

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(Emily's POV)

The weekend soon arrived and we were staying at Spencers barn. I'm a little nervous but quite excited at the same time. Alison texted a hour ago and said she will pick me up in half and hour I grab my clothes from the wardrobe. I wear my blue converses and skinny jeans with a tank top with my favourite hat. As the time gets closer to Alison picking me up I get more and more nervous. I go and get my laptop and speak to my friends from England on Skype for a bit then I hit a beep and run to my window and hang up the Skype. I run downstairs and my mum ask where I'm going I tell her and say be back on Sunday late she tells me to be careful.

(A) alison (E) EMILY

A ) Hey em you okay you got everything?

E ) yeah I have while looking out the window feeling extremely nervous

A) wanna bite to eat? I don't mind if we are late to Spencers?

E yeah okay then let's got to Kfc I say say smiling at her

A) did I tell you I love your accent em?

E I start laughing yes you already did but I find your American accent really sexy

We finish eating and go to Spencers we see Hanna and Aria already there we knock on the door and we go in

A (Ali) E (emily) S (Spencer) Aria ( h) Hanna

Hanna pulls me into a hug much longer than expected

(A) Right okay long enough guys a hint of jealously In her voice

E) I'm sorry Ali you know you give the best hugs anyway winking at her as I say this

(A) so what shall we do girls I say we should play some games ?

H) truth or dare ?

(S) do we have to

Aria) yeah let's play

H) alison Truth or dare

(A) truth

(H) how many guys have you slept with?

A) just the one looking down sadly but he broke my heart he was the only boy I was in love with

(E) so moving on getting a bit jealous thinking to myself

S ) I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in here

I look around and I'm blushing so hard I look directly at Alison and go towards her crashing my lips against her putting my tongue in her mouth.

(E) there done it smiling at alison and she smiles back

(H) emily you've gone really red are you okay saying it with a smirk

Aria) okay what shall we do now I'm kinda bored guys

Let's all watch a film they say at the same time

Aria and Spencer are on the sofa cuddling Hanna is on the floor eating popcorn and I'm on the other sofa with Ali

(H) what shall we watch

(A) let's watch a horror?

(H) yeah okay whatever

We put the film on I see alison keep looking at me and I see her looking at me too I throw the blanket over us and get Alisons hand intertwined our fingers I then get closer to Alison and put my head on her chest

(E) okay breathe emily your gonna be okay just relax my heart is beating really fast

(A) your so warm I love us cuddling

(E) you smell so nice looking up at her smiling

I fall asleep while cuddling her with her in my arms I'm woken up by her brining me some breakfast I look up and say

(E) ali you didn't have to smiling at her but not making eye contact

(A) I wanted to now be quiet she says with a tone

(E) okay bossy I say with a smirk where's the other girls?

(A) oh they went out to the brew to there boyfriends so it leaves me and you she says winking at me

(E) we can we do Ali and thank you for the breakfast was so nice

(A) Anything for you she says blushing come with me I want to show you something

(E) Okay but what is it

(A) it's a surprise she takes my hand and leads the way

(E) where are we going it's all woods

(A) this is the kissing rock now we have to kiss we don't want to disappoint the ghost

(E) what do you mean ghost?

(A) don't worry em giggling don't get scared

(E) let's carve our names in the rock this can be our special place Ali

We carve our names in the rock it says EF +AD

(A) it looks perfect don't it em she says smiling we won't ever forget our special place she whispers in my ear

We spend a bit of time there then I realise the time making sure I'm back for 7:00 otherwise my mum will kill me

Emily's POV

On the drive home was nice watching the sunset in the car and listening to music in the background I put my hand on Alisons leg and she smiled as we got nearer to my house I felt sad for leaving her but I know I want to take things slow even if we are a couple or what can just see how things go

(E) thank you so much for everything and for the ride smiling at her taking my seat belt off.

(A) no problem my sweet emily

(E) I get Butterflies her calling me this

(A) see you soon I'll text you

(E) yeah okay I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek bye I say quickly and get out of the car

Emily's POV

As I go straight to my room I can't stop thinking about her everything was so perfect she is so beautiful caring and everything you would want in a gf I hear my mum cooking downstairs I wonder if I could invite her over sometime.

I lay on the bed I feel extremely Horny. I can't stop thinking about her I want to ring her up so she can talk dirty to me but I can't do that we are not even a couple yet. I slide my hand down my boxers rubbing my clit going faster and faster and can feel myself getting so wet over her. I picture her going down on me and riding my pussy dam I want it so bad. I rub going faster and faster until I Cum everywhere. The whole time i was thinking about her sexy American accent if only she knew what she does to me I say her name as I'm cuming.

Chapter 4 will be uploaded tomorrow :) hope you all enjoyed this chapter

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