chapter 13

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          Emily's Pov

I lay in bed under covers not wanting to move today. I stare at the ceiling and get lost in my thoughts about Alison. I really hope what I saw last night on her Facebook was a old picture. I do need to talk to her about it. I don't want to look as though I've been stalking her Facebook. I was just curious to see her photos. I mean who wouldn't be.? She probably has look through mine too. I'm dreading how in going to confront her.

We are all going camping today for a couple days .It's so hot outside. I love the summer. I get out of bed and get dressed putting some shorts on and a tank top. I brush my teeth then my phone goes off with a text. It's from Alison.

Hey baby hope your okay I'll pick you up about 3? Is that okay?  Love you. <3 xxxxx

I text her saying yeah 3 is fine with me ill see you then.

I pick Taffy up and cuddle him for a bit. I see my mum cooking then I go and put the tv on.

(E) "mum look football is on well they call it soccer over here "

(P) "you should go and watch a game sometime you used to play it when you were younger "

(E)" yeah maybe I will right I better eat then go and pack Alison is picking me up at 3 "

As I'm packing my clothes. I see my army trousers. I instantly think of my dad. I hope his okay out there on his own. I wonder to myself when will I see him again?. I have to switch off as I become very sad. Moments later I hear my phone go off.

Hey I'm outside xxx

I go downstairs i say goodbye to my mum and Taffy. I walk to Alisons car noticing hannas in the front again.

H) "Well I'm not moving this time so you will take the back "

E) "that's fine with me anyway I say with a tone "

A ) "Hey babe are you okay "? She ask me suspiciously looking through the window at me

(E) "yeah I'm fine thank you "

S) "we are going to have so much fun I can't wait" she says smiling

Aria ) "I know we going to play games tonight and have a bbq "

H ) "yeah lots of food and games I can't wait "

(A)" I can't wait for the games part she says laughing while driving a bit faster "

H)" are you sure your okay Em you've been really quiet since you got in the car "she turns around in her seat looking at me

E ) "yeah I said I'm okay " while playing with keys

We finally arivvie There and all start unloading the car. Setting up our tents I've set mines and Alisons up already. I walk around by the lake looking at the water.

A) "boo" she says coming up Behind me covering my eyes with her hands

(E) "geeze Ali don't scare me like that you really panicked me then "

A ) "okay I'm sorry I was just playing around with you "she says sadly" are you sure  your okay you've really quiet all day" she says worriedly

E ) "I said I'm fine with a tone why has everyone got to keep asking me for if there was something up I would say "

(A ) "Well Em your face kinda says it all that's all I'm saying but hey I'm not going to push it" she says throwing her hands up I'm defeat

We walk back to the camp. We see Hanna and Spencer struggling to put there tents up. While Aria is in the car speaking to Ezra. Hanna walks up to me.

H) "we need your help please Em "

E) 'why me I say with a tone fixing up the tent "

H) "what's rattled you today ?"she says looking down

A) "she's been like it all day Hanna I don't know what's up with her to be honest "

We all start cooking our food on the bbq and set the bonfire up telling each other ghost stories. Of course Alison was the best story teller. Her stories actually scare me. Aria and Spencer are cuddled up. Hanna is getting warm complaining about the cold. I'm sitting next to Alison. We are not holding holding hands or anything.

H) "let's play truth or dare" she says excitedly

S) "okay I got one Hanna to give Alison a lap dance "

H) "fine okay" I look at emily for her permission and I nod

She gives her a lap dance going up and down being all sexy. Alison is just giggling the whole time "okay now go" she says

I feel a hint of jealously. I try my best to control it.

E) "Alison Truth or dare?"

A) "truth babe "

(E ) "what kind of secrets do you have Actually I look at her sadly "

A ) "actually I've got a quite a few Em" she says laughing

(E) "yeah want to enlighten us on some then Ali "

(A)" I can't sorry she says sharply "

I swear she can  tell when I'm annoyed with her .Well she's not stupid anyone can tell that there is something up.

It's starts to get late So we get ready to play cards in the tent. We are Waiting for Ali then we hear something outside.

H ) "Ali is that you ?"she ask scared

We hear nothing for 5 minutes.

Aria ) "someone go out there see what it is" everyone is getting scared

H) "you go Em your meant to be the tomboy here" she says scared

Then off a sudden Alison says " BOO!!!" really loudly.

H)" geeze Ali not funny at all I say shaking "

A)" I got you all  good though didn't I?" she says giggling

H )" Hey Ali have you downloaded the new Beyonce's ong yet? "

A)" I haven't downloaded it yet "

E)" her video is really good" she says smiling

A) "bet you liked it a little too much Em "she says looking at me

There's a awkward silence. The girls just laugh. We all start to get ready for Bed. I go into my tent and see Alison's back to me on the airbed.

E)" Hey Ali I'm sorry" I say with a sad tone to my voice

A) "I just don't know what's up with you Emily you've been different today"

E)" I know and I have my reasons" getting in the covers putting my arm around Ali she simply says

A) "don't " she simply says moving further away from me sighing at the same time

E) "I didn't mean to upset you i hate it when people are mad at me"

A) "i'm not mad I just wish you would open up to me "

E) "it's not easy for me to do that you babe "

A) "let's just get some sleep we can talk more tomorrow about it. "

I Hope you guys liked my chapter? will Emily open up to Alison or notfind out next chapter. I used a scene from Pretty Little Liars. :)


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