Chapter 23

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              Emily's Pov

I wake up. Alison in my arms fast asleep. I touch her beautiful blonde hair. kiss her on the head she wakes up slowly opening her eyes rubbing them.

Ali ----" hey Em good morning "she says looking at me sweetly

Emily ----- "hey beautiful you've got beautiful blue eyes "

Ali--- "thank you you've got nice eyes too "she says looking at me smiling

I go in the shower. I brush my teeth and put my clothes on looking at Ali getting ready she is so beautiful.

Ali -- "where shall we go today" ?she ask softly

Emily--' "shall we have a look around town and go out for a meal together what do you say?" I putting my black converses on

Ali--- "want me to drive your car ? "

Emily---" only if you drive slowly "I say laughing

Ali ---- "don't be such a baby you love my driving Em"

Emily ----"I do but you go to fast sometimes "

We get in the car and we play music we dance and sing along to it.

Emily--- "I want your loving and I want your revenge you and me could write a bad romance "

Ali "ohhhh ohhhh caught in a bad romance "

We stop of and get some petrol.  Ali gets out and I see a lad speaking to her. I instantly get jealous and try to ignore it she comes back in the car.

Emily--- "what was that lad speaking to you about?" I say with a tone

Ali ---" babe relax" she says putting her hand on my hand "he was just saying he likes my car and I told him it's not mine it's my gfs "

Emily--- "we he can get lost" i say looking down

Alison ---- "are you jealous Em? "

Emily--- "erm no of Course not "

Alison ---" oh well I might turn round and speak to him again then "

Emily--- "no Ali I'm jealous your right" I say looking out of the window

Alison ---" I love it when your jealous your so cute but don't lie to me "

Emily---" okay I'm sorry "I say looking at her

Ali----" I love you Em don't ever forget that I wouldn't hurt you "

Emily---" I know that just had a fucked up past "

Ali ---" I know" she says softly" me too "

We get out and look around the shops holding hands and laughing with each other .I buy Alison a pretty necklace and she buys me some perfume. We go into one shop but then she says" wait outside " so I follow her instructions and walk into another shop looking around. She comes back out 20 minutes later.

Ali --- "I'm ready to go now are you ?"

Emily ---" yeah but what did you get? exactly" I say trying to peep In the bag

Ali -- "okay stop it now your not allowed to see now stop" she says laughing

Emily--- "fine whatever" I say smiling rolling my eyes "where shall we go to eat do you fancy a Italian? "

Ali ---" yeah okay" she says taking my hand

We sit down in the restraunt waiting for our pizzas. It's a cute little cosy place. Our table is in the Corner with a lit candle.

Em --- "Ali I need to tell you something but I don't want you freak out" I say blushing

Ali--- "ohhh what is it ?"she says holding my hand on the table

Emily ---- "I'm falling in love with you" i say not making eye contact with her

Ali --- "I'm falling in love with you too" she says smiling at me" I was going to tell you but thought you would be freak out "

Emily--- " don't be silly. I'm glad we are on the same page" I say still looking nervous

Ali --" Em stop being so nervous "she says laughing

Emily--- " I know it's Cuz I really love you" i say smiling

The waiter comes back with our food and places the pizzas on our table.

Emily '-' "oh this is so nice I say want to try a bit of mine ? "

Ali ---" no Em it's okay your so sweet" she says smiling at me

Emily ---" I'm not looking forward to going back to school next week "

Ali ----" oh yeah me too I hate school "

Emily---" I can't wait to get back to swimming though I need to swim "

We finish our pizzas and drinks. We get back in the car laughing driving back to the cabin.

Emily-- "are you sure your going to okay with driving? "

Ali ''---- "" yeah I am you like it when I take you for a ride don't you?" she says winking at me

Emily--- "yeah I do" I say blushing

We arrive back to the cabin. We lay on the bed cuddling and kissing.  I go on my phone and play a game.

Ali --- "oi stop ignoring me "she says playfully

Emily--- "hang on I got to play to win this I can't lose this "

Ali ---" well ... I think I know how to get your attention "

She doesn't say anything to me. I come back out of the bedroom getting Emily's attention.

Emily --- "mmmm Ali you look really hot omg "

Ali ---" do you like my sexy bra Em ? "

Emily----" mmmm yes I do come here" 

She sits down on my bed teasing me really bad. She pulls her panties down and says "I know what you want you my pussy on yours don't you Em? "

Em ---" yeah I do come here now ? "

Ali --- "hmm no make me ? "

I go towards her kissing her passionately kissing her softly pulling her onto me pulling my boxers down rubbing our pussys together getting wetter

Ali ---" mmmmm omg that feel so good Em more keep rubbing it feels so good against my pussy "

Emily" mmmmm fuck" I rub faster and faster

Ali --- "mmmm fuck yeah I'm going to Cum" I rub faster on her pussy then Cum so hard mmmmmm fuckkkkkk

I go down and lick Alison's pussy going faster fingering her pussy softly

Mmmmmm Em fuckkkk she Cums in my mouth

Emily-- 'you taste so good lay down i want to Cum in your pussy "

I rub so hard kissing her neck touching her hair fucking her pussy really hard with my pussy touching her hair I Cum really hard in her pussy moaning her name

Ali --- that was so amazing she says smiling

Emily--- you get better every time my clit is still throbbing like mad

Ali-- naughty British girl she winks at me

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