chapter 60

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              Emily's Pov

I wake up and realise I'm still at Spencer's, I must of crashed here last night.  I did drink quite a bit so I  probably ended up passing out on the sofa my head is killing I need some Asprins.  I look around and see that I'm not on my own Aria is cuddled up to me Hanna is on the other sofa and Spencer and Alison are on the floor.  I get up moving Aria slowly putting the blanket over her.  I go towards the kitchen to get some Asprins then I hear Spencer getting up coming towards me .

Spencer.  "Em You should really sort things out with Ali you know "

Em . "Why should I? She made this mess she can live with it "
i say bitterly

Spencer. " Look Em she was crying last night to me can we go for a walk please? "

Em .."yeah hang on then let me put my jeans on I'm standing here in my boxers "

We both get ready and head outside. It's October now so it's really cold, we both put on our coats and Spencer sets her house alarm. We walk in the woods it's a frosty morning with ice on the Leaves.

Spencer. " So Em Alison was crying last night to me "

Em. " I know you said I feel so bad right now honestly like I didn't mean to be mean it's not me at all but I got angry for her believing Cece over me"

Spencer. " Yeah I can understand that but see it from Alison's side how would you feel if you got told that ? "

Em." Yeah okay I would feel hurt but I would make sure she was telling me the truth I wouldn't just believe the other person "

Spencer."  I can see both sides of the story here look just sort things out she loves me Em she really does "

Em. "Are you kidding me ? She loves me ? I don't think so she slept with someone at that party we went to that's not love Spencer "

Spencer . "She told me she didn't she said it to wind you up nothing happened after you left she didn't leave not long after "

Em. "Hmm I find that so hard to believe I'm sorry "

Spencer. " Believe what you want I guess I'm only saying what's she's told me "

Em. "Well i like this new me if no one else does then screw them"

Spencer . "Okay let's head back then"

Em. "I'll race you back "
i start running

We run back to Spencers I just about win ,we hear the alarm in her house is going off. We dash In the house to find the girls trying to put in the code to turn it Off.

Hanna ". Geeze guys that alarm is deafening my ears hurt "

Ali. "Mine too I was having a nice sleep until that Dam alarm thanks a lot Spencer "

Spencer." It's never done that before you know "

Em. "Leave Spencer alone not her fault anyway are we going paintball today? "

Aria ." Yes we are Em "

Ali." Are we taking two cars or one ?"

Spencer . "Well everyone's not going to fit in mine so Ali takes yours Emily can go with you along with Hanna and team Sparia can come in my car "

Ali." Okay that's fine by me shall we get something to eat on the way? "

Hanna ." Yes I'm starving "

We head off to Tacabell . Hanna sits in the front and me in the back listening to the music  on the radio not really engaging in the there conversation. They are talking about boys boring stuff. I look out of the window thinking back to how me and Alison used to be and I kind of miss it.

Emison love story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora