chapter 30

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          Alison's Pov

It's been two days since I last saw Emily. I realise I do really miss her without her. I don't feel the same I don't know what I was thinking. I do love her and want to be with her. Although I like Noel Emily has my heart and there is nothing I can do about it. He has texted a few times but each time I've ignored him. I made that promise to Emily so I will stick to it . Emily however hasn't messaged me but I think she's just giving me space which is understandable . I would be the same if the situation was reversed.

I lay on the sofa. I can't stand
It anymore I have to be with Emily so I decide to ring her.

Hey Em it's Ali can I come over ?

Emily--- yeah sure I'm just about to go swimming so shall we say half and hour is that cool with you ?

Ali  --- yeah sure okay see you then

Emily--- okay bye I say softly

          Emily's Pov

I do a few laps up and down getting faster each time swimming back and forth. I lose track of time and start to get ready and get dried. I'm so nervous about seeing Alison again after two days like how is she going go be.

I drive home I didn't even look at my phone. I pull up at my house and see Alison's car outside. I go in and see my mum and her talking and laughing about stuff.

Emily---" hey guys you both not having too much fun without me are you?" i say laughing

Ali -- "Em your here I thought you would never show up "

Pam --- "being late for your gf not a good move sweetie" she says laughing

Emily---" I know I'm sorry I just kinda lost track of time that's all "

Pam --- "well I'm going out tonight so you got the house to yourselfs "

Emily---" okay cool mum let's go upstairs Ali" I say taking her hand

We get upstairs and go in my room I sit on the chair and pull up my laptop looking at flights. 

Emily--- "sit down make yourself at home" i say nervously

Ali ---" look Em I've been thinking since the last two days when we've been away I've really missed you and I have realised that I want to be with you "

(Warning sex smut )

Emily--- I turn my seat around "so I'm facing Ali are you sure? like I don't want to keep going back and forth kinda thing I can give you more time if you like ? "

Ali ---- "look Em does this look I need more time to you ?'"
I go up to her and sit on her lap facing forwards with my legs around her biting her neck softly rubbing against her

Emily----" ahhh fuck Ali stop you going to leave a mark on my neck you bad girl "

Ali ---- "do I look like I care? your mine and want other girls to know that"
I contine to bite her neck sucking softly I take my top off and i hear Emily gasp

Emily---" mmmmm" I turn my head to the side letting her be in total control please put that top back on your turning me on

Ali---- "how's about no I don't to and your not allowed to touch them" I want to tease you

Emily---" mmmm fuck Ali no I can't take this please let me have a touch "
I start rubbing myself against her feeling myself getting really tingly

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