Chapter 22 - "George"

Start from the beginning

“No you didn’t but you helped some one, now where is he?”

“I don’t know!”

“Yes you do.”

“No. I don’t.”

“I'm just gonna hold ya here till you tell me.”

“And I’ll wait here till you cant hold me anymore.”

“Alright. I'm ‘dead’ anyways, I can do this forever. Without food and drink really.”

“Sir, let him go.” The clerk directed the Beatle.

“But he helped kidnap a friend’s friend.” The older man said.

“Did he?” The clerk gave him a look.

“Yeah, we had a gig tonight.” John looked down.

“Oh, are you two father and son?” He asked.

“No. Hes me.”


“We’re…never mind.” John threw up a hand.

“Okay, Mister can you please stop talking and let me get information out of this kid!”

“He has a name you know.”

“Nah, I don’t know it.”

“Hes the son of the famous singer.”

“Favourite singer my foot.” The Beatle huffed. “Now, famous-singer’s-son, tell me, where is he?”

“Fine, hes-with some people.”

“We know that.” Marin growled.

“Who?” Elana asked eagerly.

“Who? Um, just people.”

“Like what did they look like, what car did they have, where were they going?” The younger John asked.

“Fine ill write the address down.”

“Alright here.” The Beatle pulled a pencil and paper out of his pocket.

Justin wrote down an address and one name. John took it and handed it to his cloned self.

“Well, I’ll see you later!” The Beatle grinned and left the building.

“Well, now that hes gone, I can tell you now. That is a fake address.” Justin laughed.

“What?” John exclaimed.

“Oh you meanie!” Elana pushed him away.

“No fighting please.” Lacy put her hand on Elana’s arm.

“Where is he?” Marin asked.

John stared down at the paper and told the others he’d be back. He walked out and looked around. He didn’t see the person he was looking for.

“I'm here instead.” A voice said from behind. John turned quickly.

“And you are?”

“George, John had to leave, he was tired.” George chuckled.

“Oh, that’s nice.” John smiled.

“Well, following me and we’ll get Paul.” George grinned and began to walk.


Paul’s POV


I was in a dark room, cold room, at that. On a chair and my hands were bound. I heard footsteps then lights came on and the same lady was standing their, same lady from a long time ago.

“How are you?” She asked, with a funny accent, Asian possibly.

“Not so good. Why did you do this?”

“I cant answer that.”

“Then who are you?” I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“Yoko Ono Lennon.”


“Yes, John Lennon is my husband. But he died years ago.”

“Shouldn’t you be dead.”

“Yes, but I'm still living.”

“John picks you, huh? I really cant see him choosing you.”

“Well he did.” She said and turned the lights out and walked away. “Ill be back.” She called from behind the door.


“There’s Yoko, shes just leaving.”

“Whos Yoko?” John asked.

“Shes, well, my John’s wife…future. Terrible if you ask me.”

“What about me?”

“It wont happen the same way. Your just the same person. Different people will come into your life.”

“Oh I see. George?”


“Want to go help him?”

“Yeah.” George nodded and began to walk.

“Where is he?”

“Well,” George began as he climbed onto a window. “He is in here.”

“Break the glass?”

“No, what if hes under it? Or it falls on him.”

“Then yell at him to get out of the way of the window.”

“Good idea.” George began to hit the window. “Wait, I see him but he cant move, but hes far enough away. Give me your jacket.”

“Cant you use yours?”

George groaned. “Fine.”

He wrapped his jacket snuggly around his hand and smashed in the glass. It went shattering down bellow.

“You know what I didn’t think of?” George looked down at John.


“A thing to get him up here with.”

“Its not that high.”

“Oh wait!” George exclaimed and crawled cautiously threw the window.

“Okay I'm going threw the doors. Meet you around!” George called after John.

John waited and soon saw George and Paul emerging from around the corner.

“That was easy!”

“Yeah but your still in trouble and Yoko is coming back.” George noted, pointing to a car coming up the drive.

“Come ed!” John began to run back to the hotel.

“This is why I don’t like Paris.” Paul mumbled.

“When did you ever say you didn’t?” John breathed heavily.

“Just now.”


“Well bye you too!” George waved goodbye and hopped in a car.

“That’s George.” John stated.

“Our George?” Paul looked at him.

“Yep, our George. Now lets go inside and lock ourselves in the rooms. Practice too.” John dragged Paul back inside the building.

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