Chapter Eight: First Impressions

Start from the beginning

Erika finished applying her mascara and put the tube in her bag, she was starting to feel queasy.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Melanie asked worryingly. “You’re starting to look kind of green.”  

Erika, however, ignored Melanie as she rushed into one of the bathroom stalls to vomit.

When she came out, she found Melanie glaring at her with a disapproving expression on her face.

“What?” she demanded as she started to rinse her mouth out with cool water from the sink.

“You need to stop doing that.” Melanie told her in a serious voice.

“Stop doing what?”

“You know what I’m talking about. This isn’t the first time we’re having this conversation, you know.”

Erika sucked in her breath, frustrated at Melanie for always talking in codes and never saying everything at once. “If you’re referring to me just throwing up, it’s only food poisoning. Diana made dinner last night, if you must know.”

Melanie didn’t look convinced but said nothing else. Instead the look on her face became even more disapproving. That frown on her face and the straight set of her mouth said it all.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Erika demanded as she popped a stick of gum in her mouth to freshen her breath.

“Is there something on your mind?” Melanie asked sweetly, deciding to try a new tactic by taking a different approach. “Do you want to talk?”

Erika raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

“I’m just scared.” She finally said.

“What are you scared about?” Melanie asked as she took a step towards her best friend.

“I don’t know.” Erika admitted. “I guess I’m just worried about me and Chade. I…I feel as if we’re drifting apart.”    

“Well don’t worry.” Melanie gently told her. “You guys have been together since grade nine and have pretty much been through everything together. I’m sure you’re just imagining things.”

That fact was true. Erika and Chade had been together since the ninth grade and they really had been through almost everything together. Erika had been by Chade’s side when his grandmother passed in sophomore year and Erika had been at Chade’s house when she’d reached womanhood and gotten her first period in freshmen year –she was a late bloomer. Luckily, though, Mrs. Wheeler had been there and greatly helped her.

She had also then took it in her duties to give the two youngsters the much dreaded talk about the birds and the bees, despite them not even dating then. Long story short, that was one of the most awkward experiences of her life.    

Nonetheless, Erika didn’t say anything. She wasn’t at all convinced by what Melanie was telling her. In fact, if anything, this was making her even more paranoid.

The bathroom door then opened and a loud group of younger girls entered. They slightly faltered when their eyes landed on Erika and Melanie.

“Come on,” Melanie told her after quickly glancing at the girls. “Its lunchtime and we’ve been in the bathroom for a while. I’m sure that Chade is waiting for you right now.”  

Erika knew he wasn’t waiting for her but said nothing. Instead, she followed her best friend out of the bathroom and into the cafeteria. Everything, including the school halls and people, seemed off to her. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was imagining things and really losing it.

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