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Everything is great right now. I just got a job interview for a photography company in LA, after 4 years of college and a full year internship and only waiting another full year I can finally have a great career in something I love.
"I got it," I tell my friend and roommate Taylor as she comes in the door.
"The interview?!" she shouts and I nod. She has always been rooting for me, ever since I told her I wanted to be a photographer.
We were roommates in college and we grew to be best friends and then once we graduated we found a small little apartment in Tacoma. We've lived here together for a little over a year now, until we both found careers in what we majored in. I majored in photography and she majored in journalism. I've been wanting to work for this photography company in LA since I was little. When I was little I'd use to look at pictures my mom would show me from when she worked for them and I always wanted to follow in her footsteps. She's still a photographer but now she does small stuff for weddings. She lives in Michigan, I haven't seen her in a while-which reminds me, I should tell her the news. She will be so happy to find out I got a job at her old photography agency. I dial her number and she answers after 2 rings.
"Hey honey." She answers.
"Mom I got the job...at Opus Reps" I smile and I hear her squeak on the other end.
"No way, Rion that's amazing. I am so happy for you" she says almost like she's not surprised.
"Mom...did you have something to do with this?" I question her as I chew on my nail.
"What?! N-no...don't be crazy! That's just- alright, yes. I called the owner, told him who I was and that I had a daughter who put in an application and would love the work there. He was ecstatic to hear you wanted to work for him." She explained.
"Mom" I whine. "I don't want them to hire me just based off who my mom is. I want them to think I'm a great photographer...because I am" I nod.
"You are honey, think of me as just a recommendation. Just-promise me you'll visit me at least once before you leave." She begs and I laugh a little.
"Of course I will mom...I love you" I tell her.
"I love you too" she says and hangs up. I set my phone down and look around the apartment for Taylor, I find her sitting on her couch giggling at her phone.
"Taylor..." I catch her attention. She looks up at me and I raise my eyebrows.
"This guy I've been talking to, I really like him" she stands, getting all giddy.
"That's wonder-" this reminds of Ian, I have to tell Ian. Oh. I'm moving in less than a month, he won't want to come with me.
"What? Ri? What's wrong?" Taylor asks me.
"Nothing-nothing, I just have to tell Ian. I don't know what's going to happen. We've only been dating for a year. There's no way he's going to want to come with me. Does that mean we're going to break up? Or do long distance? Or maybe he will come with me?" I ramble on before Taylor stops me.
"It'll be okay Ri. You'll figure it out. Just call him" she places her hand on my arm in a comforting way.
"You're right...but I can't tell him over the phone. We'll have dinner and I'll tell him there" I nod and send Ian a text asking to see him tonight at 8 which he agrees to.
I sit at the table at this small restaurant waiting for Ian to show up, it's only been a couple minutes so he'll probably be here soon.
How am I supposed to tell him that I'm moving away? What will he say? We've been together for a year, maybe he will want to move with me? I look down at my fingers that are overly sweaty and dry them on my jeans. I look up and see Ian come through the door, he sees me and a small smile appears on his face. He walks up to my table and sits down with a sigh.
"Listen Rion. I'm really glad you called me down here, there's something I need to say-" he begins but I stop him.
"Okay, I just need to talk first. Ian...I got a job in LA, I start next month. I know it's only been a year so I don't expect you to come with, I just don't know what to do...with us, you know. I've been wanting this job for so long and...I don't think I can give it up" I explain.
"Well Rion, I came here to break up with you so I guess it works out" he shrugs with a smirk on his face. I am taken aback, my mouth gapes open until I realize it's open and I close it.
"What? Why?" I question.
"We just aren't clicking anymore, there's someone else, someone I really like. I just don't see you and me together in the future...but it worked out cause you're moving." He puts his hand up in defense.
"If I hadn't...called you down here, when did you plan on breaking up with me?" I ask, tears brimming in my eyes.
"Tomorrow or something. I don't know, all that matters is that it's out of the way and you don't have to feel tied down. You can go to LA without me holding you back" he shrugs like it doesn't matter.
"You wouldn't be holding back Ian, I would have gone even if you begged me to stay...I guess this is goodbye then" I stand, grabbing my purse and walking out.
I get in my car and as soon as I'm in, I start crying. I can't believe he just ended it that easily. I mean, did I mean anything to him? We've been together a year, a fucking year and he just wanted to throw it away, just like that.
I know that breaking up was one of the many options of me moving I just didn't think it would come from him. This is so stupid. Everything is so stupid.

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