The town was actually a little bigger than she originally thought, but not by much. It did have another inn on the opposite side of the town and next to it was a little tavern. Pawn shops, grocery stores, computer repair shops, and small little eateries littered the streets along with some apartments. She steered clear of the alley ways, not looking for trouble in this unknown town.

Quickly becoming bored, she decided to visit the tavern down the street from where she was at. It seemed to be dubbed the bad side of town with graffiti and old broken down cars lining the streets. Well, all the town pretty much looked like this but it just felt like the bad part of town.

The tavern was pretty empty save for a group of old men sitting around a table. She picked a seat at the bar and ordered her favorite, straight vodka. She smiled as the drink burned going down though it only warmed her up slightly. All she wanted to do at that moment was get lost in the bottom of her glass but the conversation at the table of men caught her attention. They weren't exactly whispering but it was loud enough for her to hear them. They were talking about HYDRA. She quickly gathered that they were former HYDRA agents and they seemed to be reminiscing on 'the good ole' days' of terrorizing the world. Natasha stiffened when Red Room came up. They were talking about old legends of father Petrovich and what he used to do to those that disappointed him.

"Sir Petrovitch was a glorious man," she heard from one of the men. "He gave so many ideas to HYDRA that are still used to this day! I only wish I could have met him before that agent went rogue and took him out. Ungrateful little bitch."

Really? If only he knew what kind of horrors went on behind closed doors. Natasha tried to remain calm.

"Hey Viktor, I heard a rumor that the rogue agent was the Black Widow." The man called Viktor seemed to not agree with him.

"Maksim you idiot. How could it have been her? That would make her almost as old as us! The Black Widow now is too pretty to be an old woman"

Maksim didn't back down from the harshness of Viktor's tone. "You don't know the kinds of experiments Petrovitch put his followers through."

A third man from the table took Maksim's side. "Yeah, you've heard of Captain America I'm sure. He's not exactly young either."

Viktor glared at the man and then let out a hearty laugh. "You take me for a fool! I know that, but he was frozen, preserved if you will." His comment shut the third man up but Maksim continued his defense.

"His body preserved, yes, but his life force still lived due to that serum. Are you telling me that the frozen beings scientists dig up, say, a mammoth for example, that it would still be able to walk this earth today?

"Well, no." Natasha could just feel the wheels turning in his head trying to process the information. "So do you think she was given the same serum?"

Maksim beamed at his theory. "I do not know old friend."

The third man was now a little confused. "That is a very interesting theory. If the two women are indeed the same, then I would definitely not want to be in the same room as her"

"Sasha has a point there. All those years of about deadly."

And deadly she was. Little did they know but she was the same woman who took out the Red Room and who was sitting there in the same room with them today.

As Natasha stared into her glass, frowning at how empty it was becoming, the door to the tavern swung open bringing in a freezing gust of air. A man in a dark hoodie walks in and sits a seat down from Natasha. She recognized him immediately as the man she almost collided with earlier. Sure it was a small town, but for him to end up in the same place as her, it made her wary. Ordering another drink while the conversations of the old men droned on, she noticed that the man ordered the same thing as her; another coincidence.

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