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Scarlet's POV

        "You're lying to me aren't you!  I can't be!" I yelled not believing what Nam Joon and Jimin told me.

I stood up and ran outside, I teleported into the highest tree outside and sat there.  Jimin walked outside looking for me.

"Scarlet?!" he shouted until I saw him look up in the tree.

"Scarlet please come down, let's talk about it, okay?" he asked, but I ignored him.

Nam Joon walked out and over to Jimin with Jungkook.

"Leave her alone Jimin, let Jungkook talk to her." they both went inside besides Jungkook.

Jungkook turned into a falcon and flew up to me and turned back into a human again.  He sat next to me and looked at the sky.

It was silent, I could hear the birds.

"Scarlet...they didn't tell you everything....." he told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"They forgot to tell you something."  he told me looking all too serious.

"I'm" he told me while looking nervous as could be.

"STOP LYING TO ME!!" I screamed and grabbed my hair.

Jungkook put his hands on mine and lowered them away from my hair.

"Don't do that noona, you'll hurt yourself." he said in a kind voice.

"I can't be a princess and you can't be my brother." I said.

"Things aren't always what they seem." he hugged me tightly.

"I missed you....noona" he said.

I slowly wrapped my arms around him and felt comfort.

"You really are"  I whispered under my breath.

"Yes I am, I didn't know until recently either." he explained.

I dug my face into his shoulder.

We sat like this for a bit until my head started to hurt.  My mind went into a completely different world.

I saw a fire and a baby with men fighting with magic and weapons.  A woman with white long hair ran over to the baby but she stopped right in front of the baby and fell to the ground with a dagger in her back but a white fire formed and the baby held it.

After that I could see again, I got dizzy and held me head.

"Noona are you alright?!" he asked me in a worried tone.

"I'm fine I-I saw mom..." I said, he looked shocked.

"What do you mean?" he asked me.

"I had a memory of her giving me the white flame before she was killed." I told him.

"You saw mom?..." he said sounding amazed.

"I don't even remember what she looked like." he said while looking down.

"How about we get out we get out of this tree." I said, he turned into a bird and flew down.

He turned back into a human.

"Jump, I'll catch you." he said while looking up to me still in the tree.

I jumped down and closed my eyes scared I'd hit the ground.  But something caught me, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jungkook holding me in his arms.

The Last Fallen Angel/BTS fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora