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  Scarlet's POV

It was midnight, Jimin gave me one of his sleeveless shirts to sleep in since I didn't exactly pack, and I hand my gym shorts in my bag. 

I went into the bathroom and got changed. I headed back to the couch and laid down. I put my earbuds in and turned on 'Fallen Angel's' by Black Veil Brides, yes I know so stereotypical. 

I slowly fell asleep as everything went dark. It was the next morning and I woke up to someone shaking me, I opened my eyes and rubbed them as I sat up to see who woke me up, It was Jin.

"Good morning Scarlet." He said with a smile.

"I made breakfast, so get up." He said but then I heard screaming from upstairs that really woke me up. 

"GET UP YOU LAZY BUTT!!!" I could tell it was Jimin.

"YOU'RE NOT MY FREAKING MOM!!!" The other voice was Taehyung.

I got up and went to go get dressed, when I was done I made my way into the kitchen; Jimin, Nam Joon, Jin, and Hoseok were already there.

I went over to the table so the food was in sight. It looked amazing!!! 

"Did you sleep okay?" Jimin asked as he handed me a plate of food, I just nodded and took a seat. 

As I started to eat the other 3; Jungkook, Yoongi, and Taehyung came in. They took their plates and sat down at the table. I ended up sitting in between Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook stood up and got a glass of water while everyone but me was talking. He sat the glass down right in front of me, I blankly looked up at him.

"Drink this, you must be dehydrated from running yesterday." He said as he sat back down next to me. 

We all finished eating and we left for school. They didn't have a car so we had to walk, but Jimin had a skateboard. 

He tapped my shoulder, "Do you want a ride?" I shook my head no and continued walking. 

He ran in front of me and stopped, "Come on it'll be fun. I'll teach you." 

He kept whining every time I rejected, 5 minutes later...."FINE!" I yelled as my eyes turned red.

He looked content. He grabbed my hand and helped me on the skateboard so I wouldn't loose my balance and fall. I held onto his shoulders afraid I was going to fall off. 

When I got on he put his hands on my waist, "Are you ready?" He asked, I nodded as I let go of his shoulders, he then let go of me with a big push. 

I took off and stopped a few seconds later. He caught up to me and put his hands back on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders as he pushed me the rest of the way without letting go. When we got there I hoped off with Jimin holding my hand helping off. I let go of his hand and walked into the school with the boys by my side. 

Later I stopped and turned to face them, "Why are you still following me?" I asked getting annoyed, my eyes turned red again. 

"We want to make sure you are safe." Jungkook explained, I sighed and continued on. 

Jin, Hoseok, Nam Joon, and Yoongi all left for their classes as I walked to class 3 with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin. I sat down as soon as the bell rung. Miss. Boong walked in and class started.

*2 hours later*

The bell rung and school was over and I ran out as fast as possible before the boys could find me. 

I ran around the corner and I felt a cold hand on my wrist. I turned around and saw a Warlock, his name was Zico. 

He slapped me across the face.

He was the one who killed my family, him and his group. 

He pulled out a knife and pushed me to the ground. He started chanting things that made my wings summon. He was going to cut them off, which would kill me painfully and slowly.

I closed my eyes waiting for death. I felt warmth overcome my body instead of the slow terrible pain. I opened my eyes to see Jimin in front of me with his back to Zico taking the blow instead of me....


I hoped you all liked this chapter and will continue to read and please follow me back and comment ideas for other chapters please! Thank you and love ya! GOOD NIGHT!!!!

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