Armored Heart

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Scarlet's POV
        I woke up the next morning with a terrible headache.  I tried to stand up but I couldn't, I looked around to see a figure behind my door. 

It was Taeyeon. 

"Hey little bitch, I just came here to finish what I started." she said teasing me. 

I grabbed my knife and cut my wrist.  I formed arm blades made out of my blood and turned solid. 

"Bring it, but I'm not going down easy this time because now I have something worth living for!" I yelled as power started flowing through me and I broke the spell and stood up, I started chanting more spells as my blades turned into a sword. 

She ran towards me while a ice sword formed in her hands.  As she swung the sword at me I blocked it with me blood sword then swung at her but she ducked. 

I walked backwards towards the door and kicked it open and ran down the stairs as she chased me.  I ran out into the backyard and I quickly cut my other wrist really deep with my sword as my wigs formed again, but this time I was a 'Metal Heart' angel. 

My hair got shorter, my wigs were made out of metal, my clothes turned into a white dress with metal on it, and my eyes turned golden.  My swords color changed from red to a rusty, golden color. 

After I transformed I looked over to see Jimin knocked out on the ground. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" I screamed.

"I knocked him out on my way upstairs." Taeyeon said. 

I was so angry, I charged at her without thinking. 

As I was about to swing she froze me feet in ice.  She walked up to me and punched me in the stomach.

"You're weak Scarlet, learn how to fight.  Join us Warlocks." she said as she put her face right in front of mine.

"bitch..." I said under my breath.

"What was that?" she asked getting closer to my face.

"I said...BITCH!" I yelled as I headbutted her right in the nose. 

She stumbled away and was holding her bloody nose.  I used an ancient spell when she was distracted and teleported onto the roof. 

She looked up and I wasn't there but I was still near watching her. 

"COME OUT!" she yelled. 

Then she walked over to Jimin and grabbed him by the throat. 

"COME OUT OR I'll IMPALE HIS THROAT WITH ICE!" she yelled with anger. 

I teleported back in front of her. 

"Don't hurt him please, hurt me instead...." I said. 

She threw him at the ground. 

"You can't fight back or else he gets it." she said. 

She walked over to me and punched me in the face then kneed me in the shin and grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground. 

She kept beating me, until I couldn't take it anymore.  I was a bloody pulp. 

My powers started to fade and I turned back into my normal, human self, but I knew if she finished me she would move onto Jimin and possibly kill him so I had to stay strong or at least awake. 

Just then I saw Jungkook walked in through the back gate.  He knew what was going down right away. 

He quietly and slowly walked up behind her. 

She slapped me once more before my vision went blurry and as I fell to the ground I saw Jungkook put her in a choke hold and she fell unconscious, then everything started to clear up a bit. 

I was beaten, bloodied, and bruised to death.

Jungkook picked me up and sat me down on the bench. 

Then he walked over and picked up Jimin.

"Can you put him on the trampoline, it's his favorite place to rest." I said and he did as I asked. 

He pulled his phone out and called Jin to get home. 

"Jin's on his way just hang on tight." he said reassuring me. 

He ran to the kitchen to get me water and a towel, but while he was gone my chest felt tighter and tighter until I couldn't breath, I was gasping for air. 

I fell to the ground gasping for air, I started getting light headed, just then the others came through the fence and saw me struggling. 

V knew what was wrong, he looked up to the roof and shot a wave of light force at someone....Tiffany. 

Once she was shot and disappeared I could breath again.  They all ran over to me and Jin ran inside to get a medical kit, once he came back he took out some rubbing alcohol.

"No go help Jimin first...please." I said as I then started to cough up blood.

"You won't survive until then!" Jin yelled.

"Neither will he.  I'm strong enough, I can hold on for a bit longer." I said. 

He let out a big sigh and stood up.

"Hold on, okay?" I nodded.

"Promise." he put out his pinkie and I wrapped mine around his.

"Promise." I said. 

He walked over to Jimin and started healing him with his power.  After 30 minutes of healing Jin walked back over to me.

"Is he okay?" I asked a little afraid of what he would say, he smiled.

"Of course he's okay." Jin said.

I let out a big sigh of relief. 

He got the bottle of rubbing alcohol and started cleaning my wounds.  Then he put stitches in my wrists. 

Once he was done, Rap Monster came out and brought me some soup and water.  

"Thank you." I said.

He nodded and walked back inside.  I took the bowl and stood up, I walked over to Jimin on the trampoline.  As I ate with one hand, I ran my other through his hair.  I could see his eyes move a little and then slightly. 

"Jimin?  Are you okay?" I asked. 

His eyes opened and sat up a little.  I got up on the trampoline and hugged him. 

He put his hand on my bruised cheek.

"I couldn't protect you...." he said.

"Well sometimes I need to protect you." I said. 

I grabbed his hand and moved it off my cheek, we were holding hands but my other one went up to his face and saw a little scratch on his lip. 

Head leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Don't do that ever again, you could've been killed."

"I'm willing to take that chance....."

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