Scarlet Rose

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  Hi, I'm Scarlet. I'm 16 and I'm in class 3, 3rd year. I'm a quiet person, I like to mind my own business and not get wrapped up in others business. 

 I come from a clan called Broken Wings and the people in that clan, including me, are fallen angels. Fallen Angels are able to use any kind of power. This clan was destroyed 10 years ago by the Warlocks and I'm the last survivor. The Warlocks are trying to hunt me down, so I am always on the move or I'm in hiding. 

 I decided it was time to go to school this year because I needed to blend in but I don't know how to act normal because I've never really talked to anyone or been to a school before. I was a bit nervous on my first day but the teacher was nice and so was the principal. 

 When I walked in 3 guys started whispering, one had red hair, the other had black, and the last one had dirty blonde hair. I could already tell they were Druids. 

 Druids are a clan that live deep in the forest of who knows where and practice magic to fight against the Warlocks. But to the Fallen Angels both clans are dangerous. 

 About 2 years ago Warlocks kidnapped me and cursed me, now every time I get angry my hair changes to red and I gain a lot of unknown strength and I change...Completely. But that night a boy rescued me and I never got to see his face, ever since my dream was to see him again and thank him for saving my life. 

 Their powers started up at my presence until the red head stopped them from going berserk. I just ignored them and went to my seat. 

 Later the bell rung and it was time for lunch. I got my lunch and headed for the seat by the window. Later the boy with the black hair walked up to me, 

"Hi, I'm Jungkook. What's your name?" He asked me, honestly I was a bit afraid to talk to him but I had to stay strong and make it not noticeable. 

 "Don't you already know my name, I'm in your class." I said straight forward. 

 He looked shocked, "It's Scarlet, right?" He said. 

 "Yes it is. now can you leave me alone so I can eat." I said back while looking at him. 

 Just then his face changed, I knew what happened, my eyes changed to red because I was annoyed. I hope he didn't see. He started to walk back to his table where his friends were sitting. They started talking and then they looked over at me and I quickly turned away. 

 The redhead stood up and walked over to me, "I'm Jimin. You're Scarlet, right?" he said, I nodded. 

 "Well if you need help around the school just ask me." Jimin said. 

 "Just leave me alone. I don't need your help, ok? I'm not dumb, I think I can find my way." I said and he also looked at me shocked, 

"Well nice meeting you." he said then walked off. 

 The bell rung again 5 minutes later, I went to my locker and then went on to my class, I turned the corner and ran into someone, I started to pick up my books and as the boy was handing me the rest I looked up at him....Jungkook? 

 I got nervous, 'Please don't hurt me..' I thought to myself and as we looked into each other's eyes he fell to the ground holding his head. We both got a terrible pain in our heads, but this is what happens when two clan members get too close. 

 I quickly picked up the rest of my books and ran to class hoping he wasn't chasing me. 

 After an hour of gym I went back to class, no one was there. I summoned light into my hand and realized that school was over. I packed up my books and shut my locker when I turned around, 2 boys were there. 

 I still had the light in my hand, I realized what they were right away.....Warlocks. 

 I turned the light into fire in a second and threw it at them but one blocked it with a shield of dark magic then the other shot a poisonous needle at me. 

It was right at my face when it caught on fire. Someone grabbed my hand and dragged me along, I looked back to see 6 boys fighting the 2 Warlocks. 


I hope you all like this story so far and will continue to read, also go check out 'Jackson Wang!' for me!!! I love all of you amazing people!!! Thank you for reading.

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