Rescue Mission

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  Scarlet's POV

I turned back around and kept running. It was dark and I couldn't see a thing. When we got into the light I saw who took my hand and saved me.....Jimin. We kept running until we got to an alleyway behind the school.

"Stay here you'll be safe, Jungkook is going to come and get you, ok?" he said seriously.

Honestly I was afraid, I was shaking so much but I nodded my head as he ran out of the alleyway and started yelling and waving his arms in the air. 

"This way!!!" he yelled then he turned around and started running, a few seconds after 5 people were chasing him. 

I stayed in the dark for a little bit until a Warlock found me. 

He slowly walked up to me, "Well, well, well, look what we got here, a member of the Broken Wings. Sorry hun but I'm going to have to end your li-." He stopped and fell to the ground and then Jungkook came into sight well not really Jungkook more of a black puma. 

When the guy fell to the ground I saw a big chunk of his skin missing from the back of his neck. Jungkook turned back into human and grabbed my hand,

"Are you ok?" he asked me, I nodded.

He turned into a beautiful black horse. I hopped onto his back as he took off to god knows where. We stopped at an abandoned building. I got off his back and he turned back into a human again. 

"I'm going to hold these guys off, Yoongi's going to take you the rest of the way." he said. 

Then I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped and quickly turned around. 

"I'm Yoongi." he said, I nodded still shaking in fear. 

"I made an underground tunnel to where we need to get you." Yoongi said as he started walking towards the entrance of his tunnel.

We both climbed in, I looked behind me and saw Jungkook as a black wolf fighting off the Warlocks. I looked back and Yoongi was waiting for me. We continued to walk for about 20 minutes until we reached the end of the tunnel. When we got out he closed the tunnel up with dirt again using his powers. 

"As you probably already guessed we are Druids." he said, I slowly nodded. 

"The 7 of us were sent off on a mission and if we don't finish it, we would be sent back home and would face a punishment. Our mission was to protect the last Fallen Angel and Scarlet..... That's you...."

Why would they want to protect me? 

I was so confused and scared, then everything went dark. 

I woke up on a couch in an abandoned building, that's when I realized it wasn't a dream. I tried to stand up so I could go back home. As I started to walk I got light headed and I fell, but not onto the floor, into someone's arms. I looked up to see Jungkook staring at me but then I looked away quickly so my head wouldn't hurt again. 

I stood up and he forced me back onto the couch.

"Scarlet are you feeling better?" He asked me as he sat down next to me, I didn't answer, I was still trying to process everything. 

He had a rag in his hand and a bucket of water at his feet, he put the rag in the water and wrung it out after he took it out. He put the rag on my forehead and held it there for a second, then he started to wash my face. 

"Now do you feel better?" he asked again and I nodded. 

Just then another person came out of the kitchen with a bowl of manduguk. Jungkook put the rag in the bucket and moved the bucket. 

"This is Jin by the way, he usually cooks, we like to call him mom." Jungkook explain while Jin set the food down in front of me while smiling. 

"Hi, I'm Jin, it's nice to meet you." he said as he put out a hand for me to shake but I didn't except.

"It's ok, we aren't going to hurt you." Jungkook said as Jin lowered his hand back to his side.

Jin left to go make dinner for the others. 5 minutes later Jimin walked in, "How ya feelin'." he said while sitting in the chair next to me with a bowl of bibim guksu. 

"Where am I?" I asked quietly while looking around at my surroundings. 

"You're at our hideout, don't worry it's safe here. We're just going to keep you here until those darn Warlocks leave." he said reassuringly. 

He turned on the TV and started watching 'The Healer'. 

Just then the other boys came down stairs and stood in front of me, Jungkook came over to me and sat down. 

"Hello, I'm Hoseok. My power is energy." then the next male spoke.

"Hello, I'm Nam Joon, I'm am the leader and my power is strength."

"Hi, I'm Taehyung. My power is light."

"Hello, I'm Jin. My power is hearth."

"Hello, I'm Yoongi. My power is earth."

"Hi, I'm Jimin. My power is fire."

Then Jungkook stood up in front of me as well, "I'm Jungkook and my power is transformation." he said as he bowed. 

They were all in front of my staring, I kept my head down trying to avoid eye contact. 

"It's okay to look us in the eye now, that spell doesn't have an effect on us when we are in this building or in a 5 mile radius of it." Jin explained, I looked up at them still nervous.

After a few minutes they all left except Jungkook and Jimin. The 3 of us watched 'The Healer' for a while until I fell asleep.

I hope you all like this book and will continue to read. I love you all!!!!!!!!! (the picture is a bunch of Warlocks.)

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