Chapter 3- The Mission

Start from the beginning

I still don't have my car back so we have to walk everywhere. "You look very happy today, care to share why?" I need some happiness right now. She smiles brightly.

"I have a boyfriend!" I laugh and shake my head. "Boyfriend? You're too young to have a boyfriend."

"No! I'm this many!" She holds up the number six with her fingers, I chuckle. When I was her age I had a boyfriend. It was her brother, but I'd rather not talk about that.

"What's his name?"


"And what is this Alec's intentions? Does he have a job? Does he plan on getting married? Having a house? Building a fam-"

"We are only six Lily!" She giggles, I nod. "I know, I'm just joking with you. Does Tyler know about this Alec?" She shakes his head.

"Well then lets not tell him. As long as you don't go kissing him and making out-"

"EW!" She shouts while covering her ears, I chuckle. "What ew? You're going to be doing a lot of that when you're older." She shakes her head vigorously.

"Nope! Boys have cooties!" I roll my eyes and chuckle. "If Alec has cooties then why are you dating him?"

She shrugs. "He's funny and cute and nice. You know what, you should date Tyler." I chuckle as we enter the park.

"No way sweetie, that boat sailed a long time ago." She goes running to the field and I run after her. "Sara where are you going?" She doesn't respond she just runs into someone's arms.

"Sara get back here!" Tears form in my eyes. "Hey sis." A voice that I recognize as Tyler's says while picking up Sara.

"Sara you know not to run off like that!" I scold, she giggles as Tyler tickles her. "It's no big deal Lily. It's just me. I can take it from here, see you Friday." I look at Jadon and more tears form into my eyes.

"Alright fine." I storm off and I can hear footsteps following me. "I'm perfectly fine. Don't follow me Jadon."

"Ugh how did you know it was me?" He chuckles, I clench my fists. "Because I know you. Stop following me. Please."

"You know I can't do that. I won't. I'm worried about you. You never miss school, you especially don't smoke pot-"

"And why do you assume you know so much about me?" I snap, he shakes his head. "Because we were friends-"

"Yeah. Up until you and Ty left me and Sage out to dry while you lived in the lime light. You think you know things about someone but you don't. Then the next minute they're gone." A tear falls down my face witch he wipes it away causing me to get mad.

"Stop doing that!"

"Doing what?" He questions, I laugh. "That nice guy act! We both know what kind of guy you are-"

"Those are all just rumors Lily. How can I get you to believe it?" I shake my head. "You can't-"

"And you can't keep getting angry or being shy and keeping everything to yourself. Everyone is on edge but nobody says why-"

"My mother is dead that's why! She died and we hated each other! Why can't you just leave me alone! Everyone acts like they care but they don't." I go to walk away but he grabs my arm.

"You're wrong. I care-"

"No you don't. Nobody does." I shake his hand off my arm and I storm off. Nobody cares about me. My sister doesn't give a damn and neither did my mother on the night she died. I know my father blames me but it wasn't my fault. I wasn't even there.

Jadon's POV
My heart dropped as she stormed off. I can't believe it. Growing up, Lily's mom was so nice. Whenever there was a banquet or something, she would always invite us over so Lily wouldn't be alone. I can't believe she's gone.

I should have known something was up the minute the minute I saw her with the stoners. Lily is a good girl, she has never been drunk, she's never done drugs.

I should have been there for her but I was too chicken. I was caught up in high school, I'm lucky I'm even here right now after the way my parents treat me. All of us have a story, that's the reason we used to be friends, and I'm making it my mission to get us back to the way things were before high school.

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